CIRUS ZENDIT: Announcement + Participation & Pool Details

$CIRUS Pool Opens on Tuesday, August 17th, 12:30 PM UTC

5 min readAug 11, 2021


Blockchain technology has created an opportunity for us to explore a new and better model for data monetization, one where users retain control over their data as a digital asset.

Cirus is a simple, yet powerful platform that turns your data into cryptocurrency.

Cirus facilitates true ownership of your largest digital asset by enabling you to control, monetize and earn directly from your own data. The Cirus Platform unlocks your data asset, providing passive income and serving as the entry-point into the digital economy with connections to DeFi, Network rewards, or fiat offramps.

While anyone can access the Cirus Platform and leverage the benefits of data ownership, the Cirus Device can also maximize your earning potential from all internet-enabled devices in your home. It’s your Data, Own it!

With Cirus currently undergoing their pilot test of their first 4000 device units, their token will make its debut on ZENDIT as an ERC-20 token!

Whitelist Closes: Sunday, August 15th 12:30 PM UTC
Random Lottery Winners Announced: Monday, August 16th 12:30 PM UTC
CIRUS ZENDIT: Tuesday, August 17th 12:30 PM UTC

Cirus Foundation is running a dual IDO on both Scaleswap and Zendit. The first IDO will take place on Scaleswap, followed by Zendit shortly after.

What is Cirus?

Cirus is a simple, yet powerful platform that turns your data into cryptocurrency.

The Cirus Platform will enable data collection and monetization (at the app and browser level), with connections into Decentralized Finance, Network Support options and offramps to FIAT. This will enable anyone with an internet connection to start earning directly from their own data, becoming a Crypto user and a participant in the Ownership Economy. It sidesteps the often-difficult on-ramping process and will allow virtually anyone to start earning crypto. The Cirus Platform is powered by a hybrid (Ad-Tech) DMP-DSP combo that processes, then securely monetizes user data, with blockchain integrations allowing a high level of granularity and enabling value remittances to each user.

The Cirus Device is a wifi router that significantly boosts data collection, as it collects high-quality data from all connected devices. It connects automatically to the Cirus backend, and Cirus Platform. Initial rollouts of this device will be through ISP contracts. Retail availability will come later. The ISP rollout strategy will get the Cirus device, and platform into the hands of millions of users rapidly, providing a boost to mainstream Cryptocurrency adoption. Initial forecasts of the addressable market with this strategy are in the high tens of millions of households.

Click HERE for a full project overview with details on product, strategy, roadmaps, tokenomics etc

Round Tier and Terms:

  • Public Round Tokens — Fully unlocked at TGE

Cirus ZENDIT Pool Details

  • Token Ticker: $CIRUS
  • Token Type: ERC-20
  • Total Raise Amount: $100,000
  • Total Available Tokens: 769,230 $CIRUS
  • 1 Pool: Private Sherpa Pool
  • Asset Pool Pair: USDT/CIRUS
  • USD Token exchange offering Price: $0.13

Please note — that Cirus IDO will take place on Polygon and Sherpas are required to bridge their USDT from ETH to Polygon.

Participation Tiers

Sherpas will be eligible to enter the highest participation tier they qualify for on a per-wallet basis. One wallet can only participate in one Sherpa tier and will also automatically be able to participate in the public tier if they qualify.

Applicants can hold either ERC-20 or BEP-20 OM. Supplied OM refers to OM supplied on ZENTEREST or zenOM. Staked OM refers to OM staked in our staking contract or sOM.

Our participation tiers for ZENDIT from highest to lowest are:

Tier 0 Olympus Mons— Supplying 188,000 OM

  • Max Allocation Amount: $1200

Tier 1 EVEREST — Supplying 50,000 OM

  • Max Allocation Amount: $1000

Tier 2 ACONCAGUA — Staking/Supplying 40,000 OM

  • Max Allocation Amount: $800

Tier 3 DENALI — Holding/Staking/Supplying 30,000 OM

  • Max Allocation Amount: $600

Tier 4 KILIMANJARO — Holding/Staking/Supplying 15,000 OM or holding a “100M OM Staked” NFT

  • Max Allocation Amount: $400

Tier 5 ELBRUS — Holding/Staking/Supplying 8888 OM or holding a MANTRA DAO PolkaPet.

  • Max Allocation Amount: $200

Instructions for Whitelisting

  1. Join the Cirus Foundation Telegram community:
  2. Follow MANTRA DAO and Cirus Foundation on Twitter: &
  3. Like the announcement tweet of the Cirus Foundation token launch on ZENDIT on the Cirus Foundation Twitter page and retweet!

4. Final step, complete this entry form before Sunday, August 15th, 12:30 PM UTC

After the whitelist closes on Sunday, August 15th, 12:30 PM UTC, we will be randomly picking a limited number of Sherpas for each tier who will have access to the pools and will be announcing the winners’ ERC-20 wallet addresses via our Twitter and Official News and Announcements on Monday, August 16th, 12:30 PM UTC.

Please note that even if you are randomly selected to access the pool this does NOT guarantee you have an allocation and you will need to act fast in order to take part in the pool!

If the pool remain unsold after 1 hour,


MANTRA DAO is a community-governed DeFi platform focusing on Staking, Lending, and Governance. MANTRA DAO leverages the crowd’s wisdom to create a community-governed, transparent, and decentralized ecosystem for web 3.0. Built on Parity Substrate for the Polkadot ecosystem, MANTRA DAO gives financial control back to the people to store and grow wealth together.

Website |Whitepaper |Telegram |Medium |Twitter | LinkedIn | Github

About Cirus

The Cirus Platform will enable data collection and monetization (at the app and browser level), with connections into Decentralized Finance, Network Support options and offramps to FIAT. This will enable anyone with an internet connection to start earning directly from their own data, becoming a Crypto user and a participant in the Ownership Economy. It sidesteps the often-difficult on-ramping process and will allow virtually anyone to start earning crypto. The Cirus Platform is powered by a hybrid (Ad-Tech) DMP-DSP combo that processes, then securely monetizes user data, with blockchain integrations allowing a high level of granularity and enabling value remittances to each user.

The Cirus Device is a wifi router that significantly boosts data collection, as it collects high-quality data from all connected devices. It connects automatically to the Cirus backend, and Cirus Platform. Initial rollouts of this device will be through ISP contracts. Retail availability will come later. The ISP rollout strategy will get the Cirus device, and platform into the hands of millions of users rapidly, providing a boost to mainstream Cryptocurrency adoption. Initial forecasts of the addressable market with this strategy are in the high tens of millions of households.

Click HERE for a full project overview with details on product, strategy, roadmaps, tokenomics etc

Website | Telegram | Medium | Twitter | Github




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