Presenting MANTRA DAO’s Launchpad ZENDIT!

ZENDIT will allow exclusive upcoming crypto projects to launch on our platform!

4 min readFeb 25, 2021


MANTRA DAO is preparing to release our upcoming decentralized swapping protocol and invite our partner projects to officially launch on our platform ZENDIT!

Throughout the past few months, we have been in discussion with many projects looking to launch upcoming tokens and have received a lot of positive feedback regarding our launchpad. After much development, ZENDIT is ready to launch, and we have invited many incredible projects to be some of the first to offer their tokens on our platform!


As a launchpad platform ZENDIT employs a decentralized fixed swapping protocol which has many advantages such as providing transparency on the amount of tokens offered during a token launch as well neutralized risk of bad actors artificially inflating token price and then dumping.

As an enhanced feature to many of the existing launchpads, ZENDIT will also have the option for projects to use a Dutch Auction style of launch in addition to the standard fixed swap pools.

By launching on ZENDIT, promising projects in the crypto space will also have the choice to launch their tokens in both private and/or public pools.

This ensures our Sherpa community can participate in a safe, secure, and sustainable way.

If you’re interested in launching on ZENDIT, contact us at


  • MANTRA DAO has participated in token launches and fostered partnerships with many of the fastest growing crypto projects in the world. Our track record of early partnerships & investments includes the likes of Polkastarter, Bondly, Royale Finance, Kira Network, e-Money, Fuse Network, NGM, Lepricon, Finxflo, and most recently DAOventures.
  • We are committed to providing maximum support to our partners to help them succeed in their token launch goals by ensuring all projects that work with us have the tools, resources, and marketing support they need.
  • As an umbrella of DeFi services, MANTRA DAO has a large community of users holding OM tokens and using a multitude of MANTRA DAO products. These include- staking, ZENTEREST, MANTRA POOL, and our upcoming KARMA protocol.
  • Each new project launched on ZENDIT will be carefully curated by the MANTRA DAO Council and will undergo internal vetting before approval to allow only the best projects that pass our requirements to launch.
  • In addition to launching projects, MANTRA DAO will also be preparing allocation, and be participating in token launches alongside our Sherpas.
  • As a chain agnostic platform, MANTRA DAO will soon have multi-chain support on multiple scalable and low-cost blockchain networks. These subsequent network launches will be announced shortly.
  • We will be integrating our NFTs to ZENDIT and will be releasing launchpad specific NFTs that will act as extra limited edition lucky draw rewards to those who participate in any ZENDIT project.

We are incredibly excited as we are preparing for our first ZENDIT project that will be announced in the coming days! 2021 is gearing up to be an amazing year for Sherpas as we continue our path to become the go-to platform for DeFi services!

How to participate in ZENDIT projects

Participation tier requirements will be determined on a per-project basis and be decided alongside our launchpad partners with eligibility requirements officially announced prior to project launch.

To better facilitate a wide variety of projects each with its specific token launch goals and amounts, we will be adjusting the allocation amounts per tier on a project-by-project basis. This allows projects with lower allocation amounts to allow more Sherpa community members to take part in their launch.

We will be announcing each ZENDIT swap pool’s asset pairs in each official ZENDIT project offering announcement.

We will also be announcing the cut-off date and time for wallets to meet the participation requirements and be conducting snapshots to determine wallet eligibility at the announced cut-off time.

To ensure a fair launch, after qualifying whitelisted wallets have been snapshotted, pools will be open until they become full or have their pool opening duration expire.

For each offering, certain ZENDIT tier entries may be based on holding some of our NFTs. NFT special entries will be on a per-project basis and be determined alongside our launchpad partners.

Participation Tiers

Named after the top five tallest mountains in the world, our ZENDIT tiers will allow Sherpas who meet the participation requirements for each project offering to be eligible to enter the highest participation tier they qualify for on a per-wallet basis.

Our participation tiers for ZENDIT participation entries from highest to lowest are:

Tier 1 EVEREST — Supplying 50,000 OM on ZENTEREST (zenOM)

Tier 2 ACONCAGUA — Staking 40,000 OM (sOM)

Tier 3 DENALI — Holding 30,000 OM

Tier 4 KILIMANJARO — Holding 100M OM Staked NFT

Tier 5 ELBRUS — Holding a MANTRA DAO PolkaPet

Upcoming ZENDIT Launch Projects

We will be announcing the first few projects that will be launching on ZENDIT very shortly so be sure to stay tuned for more information!


MANTRA DAO is a community-governed DeFi platform focusing on Staking, Lending, and Governance. MANTRA DAO leverages the crowd’s wisdom to creates a community-governed, transparent, and decentralized ecosystem for web 3.0. Built on Parity Substrate for the Polkadot ecosystem, MANTRA DAO gives financial control back to the people to store and grow wealth together.

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