Manual Testing, Manual Testing on Mobile Application

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing is a software testing process in which test cases are executed manually without the use of an automated tool. Test case reports are also created manually. Manual software testing is the most primitive technique among all types of testing and helps in fixing critical bugs in the software. [1]

Testing Methods Used in Manual Testing

Figure [1] Testing Methods Used in Manual Testing

White box: It is a type of testing in which the internal structure, design, and coding of the software are tested. It tests whether the designed product works correctly in the background.

Black box testing: It is a test performed without knowing the internal structure of the code or system. Testers test the application through its user interface, focusing on inputs, outputs, and expected behavior.

Software Testing Levels Used in Manual Testing

Figure [2] Software Testing Levels Used in Manual Testing

Unit testing: This is done to verify that smaller units of code of the software work as expected to ensure the correctness of the software.

System testing: Testing the system as a whole. It tests whether the system meets the requirements and provides a smooth and satisfactory user experience.

Integration testing: This is performed to reveal and control errors that may occur when connecting different software to each other and to verify that the system works correctly as a whole.

Acceptance test: It is the test carried out based on the user to ensure that the system, carried out according to the user needs and requirements, complies with the acceptance criteria.[2]

Mobile Application Testing

Mobile application testing allows testing the functionality, performance, and security of an application across various mobile devices, operating systems, and network environments.

The goal is to provide a high-quality, error-free user experience and verify that the application meets predefined goals and requirements.[5]

Mobile Application Types

Figure [3]

Mobile application types are divided into 3 parts: Native Applications, Web Applications, and Hybrid Applications.

Native apps: Native mobile apps are applications built specifically for a particular type of operating system. They are called “native” because they are specific to a particular device or platform. Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Skype These applications are developed specifically for the target platform to run quickly and smoothly on users’ mobile devices.[6]

Web applications: Web applications refer to websites that can create native app-like experiences on mobile devices. These applications are available on computers and mobile phones and are compatible with multiple operating systems. These applications are generally.

• Web-based games

• On websites and applications connected to them

• On e-commerce sites

is used.

Hybrid applications: Hybrid applications are created by combining both native applications and web applications. It can be included in the App Store like native applications and all features of the device can be used. Uber and Amazon Appstore are examples of these applications.[7]

Manual Testing Processes in Mobile Applications

In mobile applications, manual testing focuses on examining all systems and features in a product to see if they work as the customer expects. So, what should our process be like?

1) Plan: It is the first step of the testing process, covering the objectives and criteria of the test.

2) Testing on Real Devices, and Emulators: While emulators provide a controlled environment for the initial testing stages, real devices test the performance of the application in real use cases. This dual approach allows the application to be tested for compatibility on different hardware, operating systems and network environments.

3) Choose Complex Use Cases: Reveals the operation of the application in challenging situations. It should represent real-world situations that a user might encounter, such as handling interruptions and testing the application in such cases, where these interruptions could be incoming calls or notifications.

4) Better Click Paths: It refers to the sequence and number of steps a user takes to perform a function within the application. In manual testing, evaluating these paths ensures that users can easily navigate the application.[5]

How Do We Test Mobile Applications with Manual Testing?

Figure [4]*iPJsEBetiuTdZKhZDqCOuQ.jpeg

Manual testing of mobile applications is required, using both real device clouds and emulators, and simulators.

We can test our application against Real Device Cloud, emulators and simulators and today’s trends.

Testing on Real Device Cloud:

Testing Using Real Devices: It is necessary to test the application on a wide range of mobile devices with different operating systems and features.

Real-World Testing: It is necessary to experience and test the application as users experience it, with device-specific situations such as camera, GPS and battery usage.

Network Conditions: It is necessary to test the application on various network types and speeds such as 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi.

Gesture and Interaction: It is necessary to test the app’s responsiveness to touch gestures, screen rotations, and other physical actions.

Emulators and Simulators

Early Error Detection: This is done to save time by detecting and fixing errors early in development.

Parallel Testing: Allows running and testing multiple devices simultaneously for different versions and screen resolutions.

Environment: Tests different environments and conditions, such as low battery, interrupted connections, or incoming calls.

Current fashion

Transition to Cloud-Based Testing: The use of cloud-based real device testing has increased with today’s trends. It is a type of testing that uses cloud-based tools to mimic real-world user traffic and environments to test all kinds of applications, networks, and infrastructure.

User Interaction Metrics: Providing a smooth application experience through comprehensive detailed testing will make the application more efficient for users. All of these should be tested.[5]

For Example, Let Us Test the Mobile Application of a Shopping Site.

Let us think about and test the mobile application of a shopping site. Let us assume that our application has been downloaded on our phone and that we have already subscribed.

First, we need to click on our mobile application.

After clicking, it should direct us to the login screen. Then, what login options does the mobile application offer us, for example, with our phone number, our e-mail address, our registered Google account, etc. We will enter and determine this.

If I want to enter with a phone number, the number entry screen should appear. If I enter with an e-mail address, the box to enter the e-mail address should appear. If I enter with a Google account, it should direct me to the screen where the necessary parameters will be entered. We test these.

Let us take the option of logging in with an e-mail address and select it. It directed me to the relevant screen. I entered my username, that is, my e-mail address, and clicked on the login button. The password screen appeared, I entered my password and logged in.

After logging in, you will enter the home page. All icons on the home page must be working. For example, when I click on the categories section, the products in the category I have selected should be listed. When I filter, the products must be listed according to the features I have selected.

Well, let me test the payment section, I add the product to my cart, click on my cart. After entering my cart screen, I click on the complete shopping button.

It should direct me to the page with my address information and payment options. In this section, I select my address information and the payment method. Of course, my address information registered here must also be correct.

After choosing the payment method, I chose to pay by card, and it should direct me to the screen where the card information is entered. After entering my information, I completed the payment and ordered the product successfully. I carried out all these transactions and tested whether the system was working correctly. This way I tested a few things and made a short example.


TestRail is a web-based test management tool developed by Gurock software that generally helps managers track the progress of tests and allows test engineers to create test scenarios regularly and quickly. It supports different Windows operating systems such as Windows XP and Vista 7.

TestRail allows us to create projects, write test scenarios, run the scenarios we write in a certain order, find errors and report the errors we find. We can divide the test cases into sections. This allows us to easily find test cases when we test a section. Each scenario that is run has a status. We can obtain a report based on % value with options such as Failed, Passed. TestRail can be integrated with other tools — JIRA, Bugzilla, Fogbugz, Version One, TFS, GitHub etc. When we enter the site, the headings OVERVIEW, TODO, MILESTONES, TEST RUNS&RESULTS, TEST CASES, REPORTS appear on the main screen.[8]


It has a chart that shows the test execution status in a project. We can view the test cases, runs and reports of the project.


Displays the user’s to-do list, test conditions that the user must perform.


It helps determine the list of requirements tested in the sprint. Separate milestones are created for each iteration.

Test Runs & Results

Here we determine which test cases we will run. For this, we can select the test cases to be run from above and add them to the list. We run the test cases we choose. We can determine whether the scenarios we run are successful or unsuccessful.

Test Cases

When we click on this section, there are title, section, template, priority, references, preconditions, steps-expected result sections. We need to fill these sections in accordance with the requirements of our project. In this way, we can obtain a more understandable project testing process.


The results of each test case run appear here. We can view the status of the entire project.[9]











