How Does a Large Plant and R&D Facility help Masterbatch Manufacturers?

Manufacturing and Production Mart
2 min readNov 17, 2017


R&D, or Research and Development, is an integral part of, not just the masterbatch industry, but any industry worth its salt in general. R&D is defined as the innovative activities undertaken by corporations or governments in developing new services or products, or improving existing services or products. Most of these corporations have a separate R&D department, with the sole motive of innovation and development.

What Sort Of A R&D Model Would You See In Masterbatch Manufacturing?

R&D activities, and thus their models differ from organization to organization, but a R&D department in a masterbatch manufacturing organization is staffed by polymer technologists, as well as plastic engineers which are tasked with developing new products, innovations in colour masterbatches that can help them stand out from the competition, as well as additive masterbatches with properties which have utility for the customersand attracts them towards them. These technologists and engineers are also the scientists of the masterbatch industry, who dabble in applied research in scientific or technological fields relating to polymers and masterbatches, which facilitates existing and future product development.

Why Is A Large Plant Important Along With R&D?

As is evident from the subject matter above, R&D is crucial for acquiring large shares of market through the marketization of new products. But all of this goes in vain if the organization does not have a large plant to supply the finished product to meet up the increasing demand. A large plant is something which differentiates big masterbatch manufacturers from the small ones, as it is a sign or proof of the tremendous supply line of the said organization. All internationally noted or sizeable masterbatch producers like, for example, REPIN masterbatches, have one or more of large manufacturing plants in their organization.



Manufacturing and Production Mart

I am a Graduate in English From Delhi University. I write Blogs, Articles on Manufacturing sector, Health and Lifestyle and Property and Real Estate