Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2018


Don’t dismiss Simon Jenkins as a strident identity apostle. He’s right: men are people too

Finally, a platform for this invisible, unheard minority. (Photo: the Guardian)

I stand with brave male journalist Simon Jenkins for daring to fight for a much overlooked group: the powerless, old, white male. In a typically inclusive move, a national newspaper gave a representative of this fashionable tribe a platform. His article, “Pale, stale males are the last group it’s OK to vilify”, stands up for this invisible minority.

An excerpt from Jenkins’ powerful piece in The Guardian..

Drawing on quotations from his tribe, one dead, white male philosopher, one dead, white male playwright and one fictional, white, male character, Jenkins makes a strident case for special treatment. Some will dismiss vocal Jenkins as a hysterical identity apostle. I do not.

Men are people too

It is time we started to treat white, old males not as “other’, a passing fad, or as one homogenous group, but as individuals in their own right. We all know an old, white male. They are our dads, brothers and uncles and for this reason, we should respect them. As Jenkins himself points out, whilst cleverly name-checking Kant, one of his own, “prick us and we still bleed”. Men are indeed people too.

Jenkins should be applauded for waving the flag with such raw emotion, unafraid of attempts by powerful black women to shut him down. As an enthusiastic warrior for the white male, Jenkins has not let his identity hold him back. Despite belonging to this underclass, he overcame many hurdles to become male chairwoman of the National Trust and a male editor of The Times. Unlike some, I am convinced he got these positions on merit alone and not because he played the “Man Card” to get ahead.

Thanks to Jenkins’ tireless struggles, we can look forward to a day when white males see other white males in public life. We’ll switch on the TV and see males like us discussing economics and politics — and I don’t just mean one, I mean two or three old white males — talking to each other about politics without any women of colour present! No longer the stuff of pipe dreams, in our lifetime, we’ll turn on the radio and hear one deep, white, male voice after another and not think anything of it. Far from being irritating, it will be a breath of fresh air.

Old white men will finally feature in art and literature

Boys will become anything they want to be — male astronauts, male scientists, male authors and male politicians We’ll see pictures of other old, white males in history books, hanging on the wall in Parliament and in museums. Old, white males will recognise themselves represented in great literature and art, not just as muses, victims or tempters, but as creators. They’ll see themselves at every level in government and the legal system. Men like me will watch films and see ourselves as central characters instead of the love interest, father or boyfriend.

One day, we’ll be running organisations, sitting in boardrooms up and down the land making decisions and no one will bat an eyelid. Boys will become anything they want to be — male astronauts, male scientists, male authors and male politicians.

Thanks to militant identity campaigners like Jenkins, our voices will no longer be shut down and marginalised. We will be free to exist online without relentless abuse based on the fact we happen to have penises.

One day, we will see white male journalists like Simon Jenkins as simply journalists. No one will comment that he can write quite well, for a man. He’ll be able to write on a whole range of topics. We’ll stop commenting on his decision to go grey naturally, we won’t notice his lined face or call him sassy, feisty or bitter.

We’ll see him as a person, entitled to a vast career. When we look at him, we’ll see a human being. We may not even see that he is white or judge him on the fact that he’s no longer sexually attractive and perhaps never was.

One day people like Simon will be running the country and we won’t even notice.

Now more than ever we need voices like Man Who Has It All. Buy his book and follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Originally published by i-news on Monday December 19th 2016

