How the MAP Method™ Became a Vital Part of Her Path and Purpose

An interview with Juliet Torres

Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute
6 min readApr 20, 2023


Photo of Juliet Torres, used with permission. Created in Canva Pro by the author.

Hi everyone, my MAP Certification 3.0 Program classmates and I have officially finished learning the entire MAP protocol, and we are now revising for our upcoming certification examinations. It’s an exhilarating time for us, indeed!

On behalf of the MAP Coaching Institute, I’m honored to share with you some highlights of my interview with Juliet Torres — one of my MAP Certification classmates, who is also an Esthetician Instructor, Nutrition Consultant, and Emotion Release Practitioner.

My questions below are in headers, and Juliet’s answers are underneath each question. Her responses are edited for brevity and clarity.

Hi Juliet! Can you share more about your work history and what led you to know about MAP?

I was so happy to have my mom back for those short periods of time right after the MAP sessions.

Sure! I became a licensed Esthetician right after high school because of my interest in makeup when I was younger. But I became intrigued about the medical part of it, so I worked as a Medical Esthetician for a Plastic Surgeon and a Dermatologist for the past eight years.

I’m blessed to be nurtured by people around me who have a keen interest in holistic wellness. I grew up with my parents, who know how emotions can affect our bodies and are well-versed in natural health remedies. I first learned how to muscle test when I was just seventeen. The doctor I worked with also taught me how to uncover the emotional root causes of why people gain weight.

How MAP helped my mom when she had cancer

In July 2021, my mom was diagnosed with cancer with no treatment options offered. We were very optimistic about finding a possible solution, and luckily, a friend introduced me to Luisa Marin, a certified MAP Practitioner. I had never heard about MAP before. It was amazing witnessing the effect of MAP on my mom. At that point in her illness, my mom was non-responsive and non-verbal. But after a short 30-minute MAP session, she became more present with us and could speak very clearly. She could eat well, and I was so happy to have my mom back for those short periods of time right after the MAP sessions. It was like a miracle! Both my dad and I received MAP sessions for ourselves to help us cope better as well.

My mom eventually passed away in late 2021. Yet, something inside me said, “Well, this is what I’m supposed to be doing!”. So, I embarked on a year-long MAP Coaching program to learn to use MAP for myself. Then I felt ready to do the MAP Certification Program to help more people as a Certified MAP Practitioner.

What is it like learning to become a MAP Practitioner after experiencing MAP sessions through the Coaching Program?

I didn’t realize how much work the Practitioner needs to do to facilitate a MAP session for the client. Initially, I was confident that I would excel in doing MAP as I’ve already experienced multiple sessions. But as I learned a new procedure each week, I was excited to know so much more than the previous week. I wanted to contact my early practice clients and facilitate a full MAP session for them!

I’m so delighted at all the options that cater to various types of clients and how thorough a session can be. I already knew MAP was magical. Taking this certification program made me appreciate the thoughtful planning and complexities involved in each procedure and the entire MAP session protocol.

The MAP Certification Program truly is an eye-opener for me.

What is one thing you appreciate most in your personal growth journey through taking this program?

I appreciate having a lot more control over my thoughts now. I was so used to thinking a certain way about myself and the way I talked to myself.

For example, if I accidentally step on my toe, I might say, “Oh, shoot! Darn, I’m such a loser!” Those little voices are beliefs and thoughts that form your reality.

Now, I’m much more aware of my inner mental landscape. I can quickly neutralize unhelpful thoughts and replace them with loving and positive ones. I can change my thoughts and emotions, which helps me change my reality to work towards my true desires. This feels so empowering to me.

Can you share any memorable experiences through facilitating MAP sessions for your clients?

I have a client whose mom had given her up for adoption. She suffered a lot of abuse and had a rocky marriage. Through the MAP session, she realized all this stemmed from believing she was unlovable.

It was so healing witnessing her heaving sobs as she released all this heavy sadness. Even though the client stayed at a high emotional intensity of 9 out of 10 for a very long time, I trusted the process and kept holding space for her while doing the session. I believe that she must have repressed her feelings for so many decades that she needed this time to reconnect with these heavy emotions. Eventually, her emotional intensity went down to a much more comfortable level.

I firmly believe that the journey is much more important than the destination. Everyone wants to feel better instantly. Though MAP can work effectively and quickly, the effects of severe trauma can take a while to undo, so it’s absolutely vital for me, as the practitioner, to trust the process and allow my client to go through whatever is needed right now.

Who do you feel drawn to serving through MAP?

I’d like to share about my first MAP session in 2021, which was facilitated by Colette Streicher — the Founder of MAP. I told her about a childhood memory that affected me so much that I still cried whenever I thought about it, even though I’m a grown adult now and know I wasn’t responsible for what happened then. She did a full MAP session on me, and it was surreal to be still very clear about that childhood event, and yet it felt like I was watching a movie that no longer triggered me the way it used to.

I was amazed at how MAP helped me neutralize my childhood memory with ease and gentleness. It inspired me to help others the same way, too.

I want to specialize in helping people with past traumatic events, such as grief, divorce, and physical/verbal/sexual abuse, that still haunt them. I’ve witnessed how some of my family members have suffered from the effects of their past severe traumas, and through these MAP sessions, they healed enough to love themselves and trust in life again.

I want to help my clients reconnect to themselves, start to love themselves more, experience the peace that comes with this self-love, and feel hope for a brighter future again. It makes me so happy to hold this vision for them!

What are your plans after being certified?

I want to gradually become a full-time MAP Practitioner within a couple of years, facilitating MAP sessions for my clients online or over the phone. My deepest desire is to own and manage a physical wellness retreat center and invite other certified MAP Practitioners to work with me together.

Final thoughts

Thank you, Juliet, for sharing so deeply within your soul. I love your clear passion for MAP and how you hold space for your clients’ gentle healing.

Dear readers, I hope that this gives you a quick glimpse into the life of a MAP Certification student. Please join me in wishing Juliet a fulfilling and satisfying career as an upcoming Certified MAP Practitioner! You can connect with her on Instagram and her website.

Our Mission at the MAP Coaching Institute is to empower individuals to quickly dissolve unconscious blocks, gently heal unresolved trauma, and easily overcome emotional stress.

If you are curious to find out more about MAP and the MAP Certification Program, please watch our on-demand training here:

You can also click on this list to read other interview articles in this MAP Certification Program series:

What it's like to study the MAP Method Certification Program

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Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.