How To Rewire Your Brain To Release Money Anxiety

MAP Method™ Founder Colette Streicher shares some quick processes you can use right now

Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute


Image from the author’s Canva Pro account

Have you been feeling anxious about your finances? Or have you noticed others around you experiencing this debilitating anxiety? Anxiety around money frequently happens to people who do not have a coping strategy, which is very common for those with unresolved money traumas.

Healing money anxiety is one of the top requests we keep seeing, week after week, through the MAP Coaching Institute. MAP works so well to neutralize painful memories and limiting beliefs that perpetuate a state of lack. We are thrilled to witness so many of our clients switch from feeling anxious to being more present and focused to have better financial health.

One of our clients, Carmina, used MAP to release personal and generational stress around money. She earned more than ten thousand dollars in net profit in the first month of her online business for the first time in her life. Here is her beautiful sharing in the video below:

Source: YouTube channel of MAP Coaching Institute

Would you like to learn how to rewire your brain to release your money anxiety? MAP Method™ Founder Colette Streicher shares some quick processes you can use now, even when you have not experienced a MAP session yet.

Recognize that you are okay right now

Colette shared that when you are caught in an anxiety attack, your mind speeds ahead of you, creating nightmarish thoughts. So, the most important thing for you to do is stop that and return to the present moment.

Remind your unconscious mind that you are truly okay in this present moment.

In this video below, Colette shares short and soothing guidance to help you stay connected to the present.

Colette Uncovers A Simple Process People Can Use Daily. Source: MAP Coaching Institute

Use this method to shift quickly from a negative to a positive focus

Whenever you feel anxious, it’s much easier to focus on all that you don’t want in your life. This puts you in a negative state which keeps you trapped in anxiety.

So how do you shift quickly to a positive state?

Try this 180 Method

  1. Look for a wall around you, for example, the wall on your left. Turn your body so that you are fully facing this left wall.
  2. Spend twenty seconds stating everything you’re afraid of regarding your finances to this left wall.
  3. Turn 180 degrees to face the right wall.
  4. Spend 1–3 minutes to say what you truly want about money. Challenge yourself to take as long as you can.

This 180-degree turn creates a complete shift in environment, so your brain can completely shift gears and refocus to a more positive state.

Watch Colette’s clear demonstration of this effective exercise in the video below:

Colette’s demo of the 180 Method. Source: MAP Coaching Institute

Release these top 3 Money Saboteurs

If you constantly struggle with a lack of money, your brain has been programmed by your childhood experiences, witnessing what your parents have experienced with money issues and various societal and cultural conditioning to create negative coping behaviors on dealing with money.

Over the years, Colette has found 11 Money Saboteurs that sabotage you from living a financially abundant life. She developed the MAP Method™ as a simple, gentle, and effective way to neutralize these 11 Money Saboteurs.

Here are three of them:

1) Emotions

What other negative emotions are triggered when you think about your lack of money? How can you clear these emotions so you no longer feel triggered?

2) Beliefs

What kind of limiting beliefs do you have about money? How do you free yourself from these beliefs?

3) Archetype

If Money was a movie or book character, how would it look and behave in your life? Can it be friendlier and more supportive to you?

Colette shares more about these three Money Saboteurs in this video.

Your Money Saboteurs. Source: MAP Coaching Institute.

Would you like to find out more about using the MAP Method™?

We hope you have found these quick and effective processes by Colette Streicher helpful for you.

Our Mission at the MAP Coaching Institute is to empower individuals to quickly dissolve unconscious blocks, gently heal unresolved trauma, and easily overcome emotional stress, such as money anxiety. We help people daily embody a new sense of calm when dealing with their thoughts, emotions, and life circumstances so they can positively contribute to their family and community.

If you are curious to find out more about MAP and how it can help you and your loved ones, please watch our on-demand training here:



Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.