She Evolved Her Success Coaching Practice Through the MAP Method™

Interview with Lydia Binil — Success Coach

Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute


Photo of Lydia Binil, used with permission

Lydia Binil has been an online Success Coach based in Australia for the past seven years. She is also one of our recently certified MAP Practitioners!

On behalf of the MAP Coaching Institute, I’m delighted to interview Lydia to share her exciting breakthroughs both in her personal and professional growth since learning MAP. Here are some key highlights of the interview, with my questions as the header and her answers under each question (edited for conciseness).

Hi Lydia, what made you sign up for the MAP Certification Program?

“I felt so much at peace.”

As a Success Coach with an MBA in Marketing, I have been teaching my signature programs to other women in business, guiding them through marketing strategies and automation tools to streamline their processes. But I felt there was something still missing — there must be something more I can do to help boost their results even more.

That was when I saw a Facebook Ad showing Colette Streicher (founder of the MAP Method™) sharing about MAP and the MAP Certification Program.

I just felt like I had to do this. I had to learn how I could get to offer a safe container and offer better results to all my clients. So, I booked a call with the program advisor and asked all the questions I had about the Certification Program, and when I paid for it, I felt so much at peace.

Did you experience MAP before you signed up for the MAP Certification Program?

No. I only booked a MAP session with Sofie Hon — a MAP Trainer, after signing up for the program. I didn’t know what to expect at all, and it was amazing. I’m so grateful for that session!

Can you share more about your first MAP experience?

For my very first MAP session, I chose a painful core memory that filled me with rage and thoughts of revenge whenever I thought about it. I thought I would never get past this memory but I wanted to give it a go.

And now, when I think of that event, I have a different insight. It doesn’t affect me and there’s no emotional charge at all. I’m even smiling when I think of how much has shifted because of that MAP session. Sofie held that space for me, for this to be rewired beyond my imagination, and I am forever grateful to her for this transformation in me.

When I saw that for myself, I was filled with wonder: Oh, is this what I’m learning to do? This is incredible!

What else did you experience through this program?

Shifting from feeling ‘not enough’ to ‘good enough’

When I started this MAP training, it felt like everyone else who’s studying MAP has some background in human behavior such as psychology or psychotherapy. I come from a very different background in marketing and business. Right from the start, I felt like I was not enough to do this. I was stuck in a victim mindset and self-pity mode. Everybody already knows what they are doing, except me.

And then something changed along the way. I attended Colette’s online Business Breakthrough retreat (a separate MAP event), where everyone had a chance to receive personalized coaching on the spot. I started to believe that I truly am enough and things started changing.

The first thing I practiced much more often is to Magnetize*.

(*Magnetization is one of the MAP procedures. It’s also the third step in the MAP Coaching strategy)

As a certification student, I needed to keep finding practice clients to practice new MAP procedures, but I couldn’t find any friends or family members to practice MAP on, except for my husband. I used to wait for my husband to come home from work so I could practice MAP on him. There was a period of two weeks or so when he was coming back home so late and I would still bother him to sit through the practice MAP sessions. Both of us were super tired. So one day, he finally said to me, “I understand you don’t have any friends or family who can support you at this time, even when these sessions are free. Why don’t you magnetize* for the right people who can help you?”

He brought up a very good point! So, I magnetized to meet people whom I would love to serve, and would loved to be served by me.

I was booked before I even got certified!

I ended up going for a holiday with a friend whom I met online. Though we’ve been friends for five years, we’ve never met face to face. We live in different states in Australia and just decided to meet each other right in the middle between where we live. Our families spent four nights together and by the end of our trip, she was happy to try out a MAP session.

By the end of that MAP session, she said to me, “Lydia, I want you to be on my team.” She is a Hormone Balance Coach who runs programs around Weight loss & Reversing Thyroid, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), and Diabetes. Every week, I would be giving 12 to 20 MAP sessions to help her clients with their health concerns.

I had zero free time after that. From then on, it was a continuous stream of clients bookings.

The group transformation was amazing.

I also reached out to the founder of the Freelance Academy, where around 54,000 aspiring and established freelancers were learning how to grow their freelancing passion into a real business. She invited me to offer an introductory session to her group of freelancers. Since my target audience was already getting marketing strategies, skill development and business growth plans, I thought it would be great to help them with rewiring their success blocks to help them experience more client success, client enrollments and experience higher level of motivation to do the things they set out doing in their freelance journey.

A total of 5100 freelancers either watched the session LIVE or caught the replay. I’ve been a part of sessions where the comments on Zoom go crazy, and this was the very first time I’ve been the main speaker of such an event. There were thousands of comments rolling by in the Zoom chat expressing their gratitude and saying things like, “This changed my life!”, “Now, I feel more worthy.” The way they look at their offers after the MAP session is different, and they have even increased their prices.

What gave you the confidence to go for this opportunity?

I don’t think I would have taken on this opportunity if I were still caught up in that victim mindset and feeling not enough.

What changed was I understood that each and every MAP procedure is enough in itself, even when I am still learning. Though I am now certified, I think I will still be learning for the next five to ten years as I take on different types of clients.

I trust that what I have learned so far is more than enough for me to help another person go from where they are to where they want to be. That gave me the confidence to start offering MAP to others even before I got certified.

This is so inspiring, Lydia! Would you like to offer any final words of encouragement to your fellow MAP Practitioners and students?

I think what MAP does is to collapse the time taken for you to journey towards your desired destination. It helps you get there more quickly with the least resistance.

The possibilities are endless for anyone in a helping profession

MAP is such an amazing tool — you don’t have to wait till you finish the program to start putting MAP out there to any community.

To summarize, what I did was look for communities that help people with their transformation. I came alongside as the MAP expert to help their successes stick for longer and experience amazing breakthroughs.
I believe that anyone doing this certification program can follow the same strategy to start bringing positive impact to their communities.

Would You Like To Learn To Use MAP Professionally?

Dear readers, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading more about Lydia’s satisfying breakthroughs in both her personal growth and business journeys.
Our MAP Certification Program is designed to train you to uplift clients, develop yourself, and expand your existing practice, or build a new successful coaching practice.

If you are curious to find out more about MAP and the MAP Certification Program, please check out our website here:



Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.