The Top 4 Benefits of Using the MAP Method™

MAP stands for Make Anything Possible

Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute


Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash

MAP is a scientifically validated technique that lets you dissolve limiting beliefs, neutralize fears, overcome stress and anxiety, and stop self-sabotaging behaviors in their tracks. People worldwide are fascinated by the results MAP can bring and how easy it is to use MAP as a daily tool for personal growth.

It is called Make Anything Possible for a good reason!

Colette Streicher, High-Performance Coach and founder of the MAP Method™, realized she had fulfilled an unconscious wish with the creation of MAP. Her mother had been depressed, alcoholic, and suicidal for many years and refused all healing interventions. Even though her mother had passed away before she started developing MAP, Colette was always thinking about her mother and imagining if she would willingly say “Yes!” to trying out MAP.

As Colette set out to create this new modality, she was always checking for its effectiveness against these four questions at the back of her mind:

  1. Does it work quickly?
  2. Is it gentle enough for people who are deep in their suffering?
  3. Is it simple enough for anyone to use?
  4. Is it complete? Does it give long-lasting results?

In this article, we’ll share how MAP fulfills these 4 criteria perfectly.

1. MAP works fast.

How fast can MAP work? Sometimes within minutes. In this video of a demo MAP session shown below, Tom resolved a lifelong fear of the dark within mere minutes.

Tom resolves a lifelong fear of the dark in minutes. A demo MAP session.

What about chronic issues that have lasted for decades?

Neutralizing past trauma that leads to autoimmune and chronic conditions

“Now I live as if I’ve never been diagnosed.”

Alison Donovan suffered from sexual abuse at 17–19 years old and had CPTSD, Bipolar, and Rheumatoid Arthritis for over twenty years. She relied on taking medications daily. Her psychiatrist declared she was incurable, and her parents had given up on her.

She took a 90-day online MAP program — When The Body Says Yes, that fully addresses the traumatic root cause of autoimmune and chronic conditions. Jelena Katić Ujević — Head Coach and Trainer at the MAP Coaching Institute, created this program after being inspired by her vast improvement in her chronic condition just by participating in Colette’s MAP program on money mindset.

After a month into Jelena’s MAP program, Alison noticed her pain had decreased. At the end of the second month, she stopped taking the pain medications* she was addicted to. She gradually stopped taking the other medications*.

If you click to watch the Facebook video below, you’ll see her glowing, smiling face, sharing the positive changes in her life 18 months after taking the MAP program. She still doesn’t feel the need to take any medication, and she beams her beautiful smile at around 1:32, sharing she’s in a very fun place! She has found a new purpose in life, supporting others in her community.

Yes, MAP works quickly, even for people like Alison, who had multiple serious physical and mental health issues.

She proudly shared, “Now I live as if I’ve never been diagnosed.”

We have ten other video testimonials from other participants of the same MAP program listed here. These are all fascinating accounts of how they no longer felt their usual debilitating pain, eliminated their need for medications*, and vastly improved their quality of life.

Why MAP works fast

Why does MAP work so fast? Using the MAP Method, we communicate with the Superconscious — a part of our mind beyond the conscious and the subconscious/unconscious mind. We have discovered that the Superconscious is willing and able to help neutralize painful memories and limiting beliefs.

“Dr Nader’s revolutionary discovery of the Window of Reconsolidation proves that it is possible to change long-term memories, within minutes…”
~Colette Streicher, “The Neurobiology of Trauma & MAP”

Using MAP, we can take mere minutes to shift deep-seated traumatic and limiting long-term memories permanently so that even physical conditions have the potential to be improved.

MAP indeed works fast!

2. MAP is gentle.

With MAP, there is no need to recount painful, traumatic memories in excruciating detail. Most of the processing is done in the client’s subconscious mind, so the client does not need to re-experience the full intensity of the pain.

A MAP session is facilitated gently and is often completely painless.

Healing insomnia and trauma* from sexual abuse

When Dr. Noushin was first diagnosed with insomnia while working as an intern in late 1990, she had to answer a routine questionnaire before getting treatment. That was the first time she revealed through the questionnaire that she had been sexually abused for a decade since she was four. She had numbed herself to the pain of sexual abuse and recounted the experience as if it had happened to someone else.

Dr. Noushin’s psychiatrist immediately linked her sexual abuse as a primary cause of her insomnia. She was put on years of therapy, was given anti-depressants, and started tapping into all her previously suppressed memories of sexual abuse as advised during her therapy sessions. This worsened her insomnia, and she was given even more anti-depressants as she plunged into clinical depression. She was told she would need at least seven years of therapy to release and heal all that trauma*.

Her psychiatrist constantly asked her to rate her level of depression so that he could evaluate whether the therapy was working. Dr. Noushin said this felt like “a house was on fire. Someone is pouring gasoline on it. Nobody has stopped the gasoline, and you’re asking me if the fire is better.”

She suffered from 30 years of insomnia and depression.

When she discovered MAP on Facebook and volunteered for a MAP demonstration session, she tuned into some vivid memories of sexual abuse she still remembered. Her initial emotional pain rating was 10 — the maximum level of intensity. It quickly went down to a pain rating of 5 within minutes. She was so amazed and felt so safe. The mini MAP demo was gentle and felt private to her, even though other participants witnessed it. It felt much less invasive than the years of private therapy sessions she had experienced.

You can watch her interview in the video below to learn about her full MAP success story.

Source: MAP Coaching Institute’s YouTube Channel

3. MAP is simple.

MAP is so simple to use. As the client’s Superconscious mind is doing the healing, there is no need for the client to understand or navigate the process consciously. A MAP session can even be embedded into a subliminal recording for you to listen to subconsciously. Sessions can also be facilitated for young children with their caregivers’ permission.

Healing war trauma

Annie Schaefer, a French MAP therapist, did a MAP session for a Ukrainian refugee and her son. When asked to rate the intensity of her stress brought on by war, she rated it as a hundred million out of 10! At the end of the session, the refugee mom smiled and rated her stress 10 out of 10.

Though the entire session was translated, the translator only needed to translate the instructions to the brain for the mom and inform Annie emotional changes that the mom experienced throughout the session. There was no need to recount any details about how the mom experienced her memories of the war.

MAP is simple to use.

4. MAP is complete.

MAP offers long-lasting results.

“The MAP Method leverages the reconsolidation process to neutralize long term traumatic memories permanently.”
~Colette Streicher, “The Neurobiology of Trauma & MAP”

We address the root cause of the client’s issues so that results are permanent. To demonstrate how long-term memories can be rewired permanently, we use an example of neutralizing a phobia in the video below.

Neutralizing phobias

Jane had an extreme fear of heights. We tested her reaction to heights before and after receiving a MAP session to show the difference. We asked her to go to the seventh floor of a mall building and look down to the first floor from the railing.

Before the MAP session, Jane didn’t even make it to the railing. She ran back to the elevator, covering her eyes with her hands. After the MAP session released her fear of heights, she walked over to the railing, leaned over it, and smiled as she looked down to the first floor.

In this video below, you’ll see how Jane’s brainwave patterns shifted as she neutralized her fear of heights with MAP.

MAP Method Creator Colette Streicher explains the widely overlooked discovery in neuroscience that allows MAP to create deep and lasting change in the brain. Source: MAP Coaching Institute

With this clear example of neutralizing extreme fears, it’s easy to see how we can release other lesser fears in other aspects of our lives effectively, such as money anxiety.

Releasing money anxiety and reaching online business goals

MAP works great as a tool for people who want to reach their goals.

Carmina has big dreams of becoming a millionaire within five years. She is her family’s breadwinner and had a lot of anxiety about her finances as she grew up in a poor neighborhood.

In her video below, Carmina shared how the MAP group coaching sessions helped her to release her money anxiety, so she could focus on taking the next steps in growing her business. She earned more than ten thousand dollars in net profit in the first month of her new online business. This was a new milestone for her.

Source: MAP Coaching Institute YouTube Channel

MAP offers long-lasting results to help you achieve less pain and more satisfaction in life.

Closing Thoughts

MAP is designed to work fast, to be gentle even when we release painful traumas*, simple to use, and offers long-lasting results as a modality to help anyone achieve less pain and more satisfaction in life.

Our Mission at the MAP Coaching Institute is to empower individuals to quickly dissolve unconscious blocks, gently heal unresolved trauma*, and easily overcome emotional stress.

If you are curious to find out more about MAP, please watch our on-demand training here:

*The MAP Method™ is NOT counseling or therapy of any kind. It is an application of a Mindset Algorithm used for coaching and well-being. We do not advise anyone to avoid or discontinue medical or psychological consultations or current treatment. It is really important to continue with medications or therapy as prescribed. MAP Method™ sessions and programs are not a substitute for medications or therapy.



Bingz Huang
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.