Submission Guidelines

Write For Map Quest

Updated July 2024

Marcus Fleckner
Map Quest
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2024


Welcome to the Map Quest publication. I’m. Marcus and I’m so excited to welcome you and tell you about Map Quest.

We’re now accepting new writers and would love to have you join our publication. Read below on how to become a writer for Map Quest.

The publication prefers all submitted drafts are submitted behind Medium’s Partner Program. Read more under Submission Guidelines.

What Map Quest Publish

If you are a map nerd like me, you probably haven’t found that many specific map centered articles here on Medium or publications that have this focus.

I would like to change that and make a place for all of us that value a great map design and can’t stop looking at public way finding or just are super curious about urban planning.

Map Quest is about having a place to share everything about maps — metro maps, world maps, survey maps, geographical maps and everything in between. If it has something to do with maps I’ll share it.

What Map Quest is looking for

Below is a list of topics which Map Quest is looking to publish articles within (but not limited to):

