What is Real?

Tannya Jajal
Mapping Out 2050
Published in
7 min readApr 24, 2020


A thought experiment on virtual reality — what will the future entail?

Picture this.

The sound of your alarm wakes you up. You glance at your phone. It’s 7:00 a.m.

The sun is shining through a crack in your curtains and you look around, with groggy eyes, at your bare, simple surroundings.

Eventually, you drag yourself out of bed. Waking up to this drab reality is no fun. You make yourself a cup of coffee, finish your morning ablutions, and take a seat on your couch to stare outside (at the external world) in the direction that your balcony faces.

It’s nearly 8:00 a.m. now. But the quietness has not subsided. The nothingness of everything that’s “out there” remains. In fact, there isn’t much out there at all. Streets that once bustled with movement are now still. The highway that once kept you up, now only silently hums, with the occasional carrier truck passing by.

You notice a bit of movement. But not the type that you would have noticed in the past. Now, nature moves by her lonesome. Birds chirp. Bees buzz. Trees ruffle.

You shift your attention away from the quietness. You’ve downed your coffee, and you feel more refreshed.

It’s time: to start your “real” day.



Tannya Jajal
Mapping Out 2050

Founder of AIDEN, a think tank that solves the $8.8 Trillion employee disengagement problem. www.aiden.global https://technophilosophy.substack.com/