Nowhere to Start - Nowhere to End

Circles within circles and relative points of reference

Michael Brown L.Ac
Mapping Without Measuring
2 min readJul 6, 2013


The waking world is becoming more and more like the subconscious; the ocean of data being generated by our digital devices and industries froths into a literal ocean of information. I would like to merely suggest that it is a noospheric manifestation similar to the Jungian subconscious. In many ways, the barriers generated by the driving forces of industrialism, materialism and confirmatory research that have dominated our recently passed century are dissolving.

You may have noticed that humanity generates quite a lot of information and that our recent technological explorations have allowed for a massive explosion of information being generated, processed, stored and so on.

Initially we passed along information through story-telling and song; mnemonic devices to aid us in maintaining the consistency and integrity of certain frameworks for understanding and surviving in the world. These stories and songs have been the fabric of our delicate and nuanced cultures, weaving into our daily activities in the forms of patterns, images, and methods. Many of these stories have become standardized into our belief systems and are imprinted into the myths and legends that live in our subconscious. These mythic realities live on and find expression in our political, moral and spiritual dramas.

Much of the information available in the world is trash and contributes to a massive swirling of false mythologies that are sold as opinion, advice, or commercials. Driven more by profit and attention, most of the data we are served is cluttered with falsehood rather than bolstering our collective intelligence. This sort of incalculable misinformation generates something like a fog in our world of otherwise direct experience and information. Luckily, the fog always seems to lift and truth prevails.

Or does it?

And what is actually more true, the subjective or the objective? How does a person in the modern world of informational fog and confusion parse all the data?



Michael Brown L.Ac
Mapping Without Measuring

I am a Bay Area native, rooted and branching into my community as a primary care provider. I offer holistic, integrated, and preventative medicine.