A Recap of MarcoPolo Protocol’s Second Quarter in 2020

Sam Jia
MAP Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2020

Is another such a quarter, I felt like I just wrote the recap of MarcoPolo Protocol’s First Quarter article yesterday. In the past three months, the MarcoPolo Protocol team has made many more milestones, explored bigger markets in Brazil and Korea, completed 2/5 of stage two development timely base on the roadmap, and hosted many online community activities.

Global Market

In Q2, the team was mainly focused on Brazilian and Korean markets. In Brazil, we have registered and established a directly managed company in Brazil. The founding team members will lead the local team members to promote our core product, MarcoPay, to all institutes that have needs of payment, including churches, local retail stores, the local government, etc… MarcoPay can allow all users to use P2P electronic cash payment freely. As of now, our team members are contacting with state senator of Sao Paulo, trying to make MarcoPay as a payment method for government employees. In addition, there are many local churches have shown their interests in MarcoPay, followers can make their donation without worrying about any corruption, which is a typical Defi real-life usage scenario.

In Korea, we have more than 3K members in the three Kakao communities. There are fun Live Quiz events in the community. The hoster will ask a few questions, the person who answers all of them correctly and quickly will become the winner and will win Starbucks coffee coupons. Besides the community, we have made many partnerships with local media and corporations, includes Cobak, CoinNess, 산업일보, Kaiser, Blockchain HUB, etc…

Technology Development

In the past three months, we completed PoC-0 and PoC-1 stages, which is 2/5 of the Electromagnetic Stage. (Full roadmap: https://marcopolo.link/)

Electromagnetic Stage Overview and Progress

  1. PoC-0, completed: PoC-0 v0.0.1 version has been released on March 28, it realized a basic PoA blockchain structure.
  2. PoC-1, completed in June 2020: we realized MarcoPolo Protocol standard chain PoS consensus, state management, and contract-based transaction management.
  3. PoC-2, planned to be completed in August 2020: improve consensus and transaction processing and realize MAPVM and contract supports.
  4. PoC-3, planned to be completed in November 2020: abstract VM and RunTime and realize SMART system and on-chain upgrade.
  5. PoC-4, planned to be completed in December 2020: to achieve on-chain governance

In addition to technology development, we have made a few new Tech series for people who do not know too much about blockchain. We have TechTalk series article on Medium, it regularly releases blockchain technology articles. As well as #MAPClass series on Twitter, to share more fundamentals knowledge.


Due to the COVID-19, lots of offline events couldn’t be hosted as planned, so we had to move all community events online. We first time tried Live YouTube AMA, which attracted many people to participate. As well as cross-community AMA. We will keep trying and host more and different types of events.

What is Next?

It is a long journey for all of us. There are so many challenges between us and our goals. The virus has changed our lives and lifestyles permanently in some aspects, but I firmly believe that we will eventually beat all difficulties through hard works and toughness. In the next quarter, MarcoPolo Protocol will keep explorer Bralizan and Korean markets, focusing on creating more business partnerships with Defi corporations, and develop more interesting DAPPs. Alonge with expansions, to let more people enjoy the benefit of blockchain and Defi.

Thank everyone for being with us along the journey.

Sam Jia

Head of Community

July 1st, 2020

· MarcoPolo Protocol Twitter and Telegram Channel (For the latest news)

· MarcoPolo Protocol Telegram Community: English, Россия, Türkiye, Việt Nam, Brazil, and Indonesia; Korean Kakao Community: 코리아

· MarcoPolo Protocol Medium (For the latest articles)

· MarcoPolo Protocol WhitePaper, and Roadmap

· MarcoPolo Protocol GitHub (For the complete codes)

For more information, visit marcopolo.link

