Other approach stateful components

Johan Gorter
Maquette news
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2015

Stateful components is a concept that React uses to preserve state in components across renders.

Maquette uses a fundamentally different approach. Component lifecycles are not managed by the virtual DOM library, but by the programmer.

This brings the following advantages:

  1. Maquette performs better. Performance is generally never a problem with maquette.
  2. Maquette is easier to understand. No need for props and state objects in your components.
  3. Maquette gives you more flexibility about how you manage your components.

Managing components is usually quite straightforward. First you transform your data into components. Then you use these components to construct parts of the virtual DOM.

The only scenario in which managing components is challenging is when an array of data is mapped to an array of stateful components and the array of data gets updated externally. This is typical use-case for a realtime collaborative application. Since version 1.8 maquette provides a mapping utility that can update an array of components to match the underlying data.

This functionality is explained here. The crux: synchronizing data to components is different from synchronizing the real DOM to the virtual DOM. Stateful components benefit from reordering while updating the DOM with animations is easier and more flexible when you just have adds and removes.

Originally published at maquettejs.org on May 24, 2015.

