News and Travels, mostly the latter

Mara Kelland
Mara’s Musings
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2016

Went to Melbourne, Australia for the weekend of the 20th May to the Monday the 23rd. Finally have time to blog about it.

Melbourne is a beautiful city with lots of old buildings and Victorian architecture. Ma and me went shopping but she didn’t buy anything the whole weekend.

The first day, we had lunch with seagulls at Flinders Street. We had these Baguettes — huge ones — about a whole loaf of bread. They were okay. Then we walked around downtown which is so sonically different from Auckland. There is much more noise, much more people and light.

We went to the old Treasury Building. This was built in the 1860’s to house the gold from the Victorian Gold rush but by the time they finished it the gold had run out. It was all built of stone and brick- the basement was all carved out of stone and looked rather amazing. There was AV material as part of the museum which is on the ground floor and the basement of the building. You can get married there too and the premier of Victoria has an office there — or is it the governor of the bank? I forget anyway- it’s somebody important.

ON Saturday Ma and me went to Queen Vic markets and I had a big spend up. I had bought a new pair of shoes at Meyer’s the previous day, and was quite pieced that they were only $80 at the markets. Nonetheless it was great fun. Ma tried to barter with the Chinese guy selling wallets but he wouldn’t barter.

That afternoon, we rode the 35 tram around the CBD. This has commentary on it as you drive around. It’s not the best quality though and the thing was packed so you couldn’t her it properly.

I had heard so much of Melbourne’s cake shops that we got off and went to a cafe. It wasn’t that good though.

On Saturday night were were street performers and horses and carriages on Collins street. It was so ambient. We went to Uncles for dinner. Of course it wasn’t called that but it promised the best burgers and fries so we went there. Ordered food out of a hole in the wall and sat outside to eat. [My dad is always on about Uncle’s — NZ institution in the 70’s where you could order a burger out of a hole in the wall and sit on the step to eat.]

On Sunday met up with A and her mother. This was the primary purpose of the trip. They took us to eat greek food — a very big lunch. Then to coffee and cake. There was every cake imaginable — baklava, tiramisu, etc, etc.

Then we went to A’s house and met her Dad and his side of the family and there was MORE FOOD! A and I hung out and sang songs and so on. It was great to finally meet her in person.

All in all, a great time with LOTS of food! This weekend am off to the north to see Collin and Di at Keri Keri. will probably blog at you from there.

