I Just Hit a New Milestone

I must keep going

Donovan Michel
Marathon 365
1 min readApr 11, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

We are 101 days into 2024.

Crazy, right?

Today is a milestone for me.

This year I decided that I was going to read the entire bible in a year.

And guess what!

I haven’t stopped.

I have read the bible (almost) every day.

I am a little behind on the reading plan, but not by much!

I’m very encouraged by my progress.

You see,

I consider myself to be an impatient person.

I like to see my efforts directly correlate into results.

Reading the bible every day is hard some days.

Other days it’s easy.

But I stayed consistent.

I didn’t even own a bible until 13 months ago.

And here I am reading the entire thing in a year.

I still have a long way to go.

But I’m very encouraged by my progress.

I’ve learned so much about God and His word.

I encourage you to read through the Gospel of John.

It could change your life forever.

That’s all for now,




Donovan Michel
Marathon 365

I serve as a mirror that reflects all the glory to God. Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BumpyPlayss