The Cincinnati Reds Keep Rolling

Keep the good times going

Donovan Michel
Marathon 365
Apr 14, 2024


Photo by Jose Francisco Morales on Unsplash

It’s April 14th, 2024.

The Reds are 8–6.

They have a 2 game win streak.

They are currently winning 4–0 after 3 innings.

A win today would put them at 9–6 overall.

The White Sox series have been really enjoyable to watch as a Reds fan.

Lots of great team moments:

  • Defensive gems
  • Fun baserunning
  • Solid team victories

I look forward to continue watching today’s game.

It’s funny because I am watching from Europe and games typically start around 1:00am here lol.

But I love staying up late and watching them, especially when they win!

Let’s keep rolling.

— Donny



Donovan Michel
Marathon 365

I serve as a mirror that reflects all the glory to God. Subscribe to my YouTube channel: