This is How my Budget Looks Like Moving Forward

A budgeting speed run

Donovan Michel
Marathon 365
1 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

I have started to take budgeting more seriously.

Here is how my budget will look like moving forward.

First 10% of my net income: Church

I am nothing without God and my church community. The church is a very important aspect of my life an deserves the first 10% of my income.

Next 15% of net income: Retirement

I don’t want to be working for the rest of my life. So retirement needs to be accounted for in the budget.

15% of each paycheck will go towards retirement.

After that, things vary depending on a multitude of factors.

Currently, expenses are low for me.

In the long run, they will increase. But for now, I am focused on making money and saving/investing.

What do I use to budget?

“EveryDollar” is a great application that is free and easy to use. The user-friendliness is what makes this my go-to budgeting application.

Like I said, it’s free!

Rule of thumb:

Before spending a single dollar of your paycheck, 10% should go to your church and 15% should go towards your retirement fund.

End of story.

Until next time,

— Donny



Donovan Michel
Marathon 365

I serve as a mirror that reflects all the glory to God. Subscribe to my YouTube channel: