Some Notes on How to Present Your Startup

George Tziralis
Marathon VC
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2015


Presenting in front of people is hard. Being an entrepreneur and making your idea look simple is also genuinely difficult. Here is a rough structure that may help when presenting to potential users and partners or the general public.

- Maria (photo) is a (…) and spends (time/money) doing (…). {problem — it is important for your audience to be able to relate to this person; if the key stakeholders are more, add one slide for each}

- Today, this is how she does it (photo / description of a much inefficient tool she currently uses). {current industry status}

- She’s not alone. There are that (…) many people like Maria spending (…) much time and (…) money on this, still using solutions that feel old. {market}

- This is how we do it instead. Maria can now take care of (…) at a small fraction of her time and associated cost. {product}

- This is who we are, why we are relevant and how we care. {team — you may move this upfront if you are in Maria’s position by yourselves}

- Here’s where we are right now, in terms of building the solution and getting it in the hands of users/clients. This is also how they feel about it. {current status & testimonials}

- And here’s our plan on where to go next in terms of team, product and business development. {next steps}

- Again, this is our vision. We’d love to have your support! {closing & call to action}

In my limited experience, such a structure helps a lot to get people’s attention from early on and capture the essence of what your idea is about. I hope it helps!

image attribution

Originally published at on May 6, 2014.

