A Collector’s Guide to MarbleCards

Johan Unger
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2019

MarbleCards is a platform for collecting internet content and measuring its value. Any unique web page URL can be marbled into a collectible card on Ethereum, but only once and by one collector.

One of the Genesis Marble cards.

What is a Marble Card

A Marble card is a crypto collectible based on a web page URL, such as wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon or twitter.com/elonmusk. There can only be one Marble card for every unique page on the internet.

The Anatomy of a Marble card

Every Marble card consists primarily of a couple of things:

  • Web Content from the link it is based on. The headline and image used are the same as those that are shown when you share a link on Twitter or Facebook for example.
  • Marble Pattern. A unique, algorithmic art background created for that specific card.

Additionally, every card has a set of characteristics:

All cards belong to a Collection. Each collection is based on a website such as KnowYourMeme, IMDb, Twitter, Wikipedia or Youtube. Every individual card in a collection has a number, based on the time it was marbled. The first url marbled in a specific collection gets number 1, and so on. Collection and collection number is displayed in the card information next to the card.

Another thing to consider when looking at a Marble card, is if it has any Attributes. Some of these attributes are Gold and Origin.

The Origin plate next to the card number.

Generation. Based on when the card was created, it has a generation. Every generation is represented by a symbol, which is displayed in the corner of each card, and in the card information. Every generation has a fixed amount of cards.

Marble rank. When a URL is marbled, it starts to get indexed by the marble algorithms to continuously be measured for popularity and engagement on the Internet. This is called the Marble rank. Things like page rank i.e how many other pages link to that specific url, how much it is shared on social media, size of the site and are there keywords or topics that are trending is taken into account. This, together with an element of chance, determine the card level at the time of marbling. The level of a specific card is shown in a few different ways.

  • As a Level between 1 and 100, displayed in the information under each card on the Marble card page.
  • As a small symbol at the bottom right corner of each card.
  • As a Color of the generation symbol under each card, with the different colors displayed below.

Improving the Marble rank of a Card.

All Marble cards rise in rank by using XP. XP is earned by creating new Marble cards and submitting them to the Arena. You also earn XP when voting in the Arena.

Value in the Eye of the Collector

What cards are considered valuable can also vary from person to person. However, the more people believe something is important, the more valuable it probably is. Additionally, the more relevant the source of a card is, the more likely it is to be valuable, such as Wikipedia for general information, IMDb for movies, Twitter for people, top domains for specific brands and so on. Additionally, the visual impression of the card could very well have an impact as well. Is the marble pattern beautiful to look at? Does the image of the url and the pattern work well together?

Collect Anything You Care About

Some people might collect the Wikipedia pages of their favourite athletes, bands or movies and compete with others to capture them first. Others might choose to marble important news events or their favourite memes to show off that they discovered them before their friends. We hope people will think of ways to collect, share and use Marble cards that nobody has even thought of.

Go to Marble.cards

Contact and support

We’re always happy to answer questions, get feedback, or share ideas. Don’t hesitate to reach out via Discord or Twitter.

