How Marble.Cards Use Meta Data

Mattias Tyrberg
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2020

Introduction to use of Metadata on Marble.Cards

The goal of Marble.Cards is to drive traffic to web pages (URLs). We have created a layer where each unique internet URL can only be represented once as a card, almost like a bookmark. The Marble card the the frame of the URL. It is the generative art and the text, the image in the circle is not part of the card. The image is fetched from the Open Graph protocol where each site decides if they to use a specific image when a link to that url is shown on other sites.

The founders of the company have a long history in the publishing space and have seen the issues with larger companies taking a larger piece of the pie from publishers and site owners. The goal of Marble.Cards is to create a traffic and revenue source that is not dependent on a large company that wants users to be locked into their platform. If you as a reader of this for some reason feel like we have used something in the wrong way we are very sorry and hope you can reach out to us so we can do what we can to fix the issue.

/Marble.Cards Team

What does the owner of a URL get?

When your url gets turned into a card this means many things;

  • You get traffic — The cards are displayed on Marble.Cards, in games and when shared to others. Since the circle in the middle, the share image, is a link to the URL people visit that url for more information. The card acts as a frame to enhance interest of the content on that url.
  • You get new fans — Marble.Cards has platform similar to Reddit called Marble.Cards Arena where cards/urls are ranked based on votes from the players.
  • You get brand awareness — When people create a card its confirmation that people care about what you do, as the cards could be seen as a bookmark of a url this could be a way for fans to show interest for the urls they care about. Card creators often promote their new cards to the community.

What does a user get when buying a card on Marble.Cards?

When buying a Marble card the user gets;

  • the ownership of the ERC-721 token, also called non-fungible token (NFT), that represents that URL in MarbleCards URL layer. There can only be one card/NFT per URL in the MarbleCards URL layer.
  • The card characteristics generated by Marble.Cards such as but not limited to Origin, Gold, Card Number, Level, Collection ID etc.
  • full rights of the generative art that is on the cards, called the Marble card image, this right follows the owner of the NFT. This is shown as the pink area on the card below.

The owner of the card does not in any way own the share image taken from the URL, the share image is shown to make it possible for people to visit the link. The user gives a non-reversible licence to MarbleCards that is, free of charge, allowed to use the generative art for commercial purposes, this is needed so MarbleCards can show cards on it’s site.

What is defined as the Marble card image is everything in the image above except the circle with “?” and the small notch in the top. The circle area in the middle is a link to the url where the share image is shown as a separate object. The notch is in the same way not part of what the user gets ownership of.

Another example;

When copying the Marble card you will see the Marble card image, where the circle is empty.

What is a “share image”?

The Open Graph protocol is a standard that is created by Facebook which websites can choose to implement. The standard is used by sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and similar when you share urls. The share image is decided by the site owner to be used in the Open Graph. The site owners have to manually, by purpose, add this share image in the og:image tag if they want other sites to show their share images. Since the site owners add this on purpose and the share image is clickable its been considered as fair use when displaying the share image on other platforms.

Who decides on what cards that are created?

It’s the end user that selects the URL to be added to the platform in a similar way as on other social platforms. It is part of the TOS that users have to make sure they upload legal material on the site.

If I have questions, what can I do? — We love to talk!

You can always reach out to us on Twitter, join our Discord or send an email using the information on our site. We want to find solutions so we can work together.

If you prefer not to talk you can always fill in forms ;)

