Introducing Marble.Cards Decks

Johan Unger
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2020

Tell your story

Finally! For the first time it’s possible to organize and categorize your Marble cards by adding them to a Deck.

You will be the first to structure the onchain web into something that will interest, educate and amaze your visitors. Every deck is numbered by the order it was created.

This new type of internet real estate consists of two main assets, Decks and Slots.

Decks - your storyboard

A standard deck contains 10 slots and can be upgraded up to 33 slots. You can choose name of the deck, the background color and feature card.

You get one deck from start, in the end of this article you will find more about how to upgrade your decks.

Slots - your stories

You can add one card per slot. Display your best cards, certain themes or specific topics of marbled links.

How to improve Decks and Slots

A player can upgrade the number of available decks and the number of available slots in each deck.

Initially, improvements will only be available by completing quests in our discord. This is also where the earliest deck #IDs will be created. At a later stage it will be possible to upgrade on site with both quests and Marblecoin.

In future updates, we want to explore things like investing in other players decks and rewards based on traffic and link forwarding.

More info in our discord:

