MarbleCards: Crypto Collectibles Discovered Using URLs

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4 min readAug 15, 2018


What are MarbleCards?

MarbleCards enables people to save digital memories as crypto collectibles. These collectibles are called MarbleCards.

When you find an article, video or anything else you like that has a URL, you can “marble” it into a crypto collectible card. MarbleCards is based on the ERC721 protocol and every URL can only be marbled once. When you buy a MarbleCard, it’s yours to save, share or trade.

Every MarbleCard have a unique and beautiful pattern that is generated from the content found at the URL at the time it is marbled. Some might only be of interest to you, while others are in high demand. Anyone can create a MarbleCard but once it is created, it is available for everyone to bid on for a limited time (using a Dutch auction). If someone else buys the card in the auction, the one who initiated the auction is paid a share of that sale.

Another share of the sale is paid out to the owners of the highest ranking cards.

With MarbleCards, you can collect historic moments from the Internet, your favorite bands, movies or sport champions. You can collect memes and show that you discovered them early, before they spread all over the Internet. It’s up to you and the community to decide what is valuable.

How do I buy a card?

  1. When you find a link you want, you paste it on the platform to see if it’s available for marbling.
  2. If it’s available and you want to create the card, you pay the initiate auction fee.
  3. Then a public dutch action is created for that card. Anyone can see that auction and buy the card before you.

If someone else buys it, you are paid a % in creators fee. If no-one buys it before the auction time runs out you get it. You also have the option to buy it in the auction and get the finders fee as a discount.

What links can I marble?

Any unique web page can be marbled. However, only 5 sites (Wikipedia, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit and IMDb) are available for marbling for the first couple of weeks. Check our website roadmap for more detailed info about this.

How are the marble patterns generated?

MarbleCards uses an algorithm with different inputs such as content popularity, site quality, etc. Based on that a unique artwork is created for each card. Better attributes equates to a more beautiful card.

How are duplicates handled?

To reduce bad actions, exactly how it works can’t be stated. It is however a mix of link matching, text analysis and image analysis to minimize chances of there being two cards leading to the same web page.

How are URL changes handled?

The card is a snapshot of what the link looked like when it was bought. We use the canonical URL in order to not get any duplicates. Additionally, there are a few different situations that give different outcomes.

*Updated stories*
On news sites urls can be changed when the headline of a story changes. However the site generally uses some sort of redirect that makes it possible to follow from the old link.

*Updated pages*
On Wikipedia, Imdb and similar sites there are not that many changes. If there for some reason is a change there will be a redirect that makes it possible to follow the link. If a site changes domain from domain1 to domain2 they like to keep the google rank thus old urls forward to the new content. We follow the redirects and will find the new content.

Owning a link that was misprinted or deleted can add value. When someone publishes an article that should not have been published it can be marbled into a card for eternity, just like any other URL.

This is just the beginning!

Own a piece of the future, marble the present and make it history with MarbleCards!


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MarbleCards enables people to save digital memories as crypto collectibles. These collectibles are called MarbleCards.