MarbleCards Guide #1 — How to marble your first card

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4 min readMay 15, 2021

So, you’ve just entered the MarbleCards rabbit hole but you’re still not sure how to navigate through the Marbleverse. Fear not, as i am here to show you all the fun things you can do in the Marble Universe.

Let’s start from the beginning.

What exactly are MarbleCards about and how can you create your first card?

MarbleCards enables people to save digital memories as crypto collectibles. These collectibles are NFTs called Marble cards.

When you find an article, video or anything else you like that has a URL, you can “marble” it into a crypto collectible card. Marble is based on the ERC721 protocol and every URL can only be marbled once.

Marble Card examples

So, how do you create a Marble Card for yourself?

First thing you need to do is download a web3 wallet. Most common and easiest to use browser wallet is Metamask.

You can get it on you are on mobile device, make sure you are downloading official Metamask application as there are several fake ones on app stores.)

Once you are on the Metamask site, go to “download now”. From there you will be prompted to pick a specific download based on what browser you use. Be it Google Chrome, Brave, Mozilla or Edge.

So, you’ve just created your wallet and put some funds in it. What next?

Open website. Click on LOG IN TO WALLET (upper right corner) in order to connect your wallet to the site.

Press “Connect” on the Metamask pop-up.

Your wallet is now connected to the website. Click the “My collection” page and you will find your “My Memecoin” tab there. Memecoin is native token of the MarbleCards platform and is needed to make cards.

On the left side you can directly buy deposited Memecoin to instantly use on the platform. On the right side you can swap your on-chain Memecoin to deposited Memecoin.

Deposited Memecoin is deposited to the meta-transactions contract. Essentially, this is a step that eases the cost for all our platform users. All transactions on the MarbleCards platform with your Memecoin are free of gas transaction fees.

After you’ve bought and deposited Memecoin (MEM) , you can tap the CREATE CARD button which navigates you to the MarbleCard NFT creating page.

Right upper corner.

On the upper side of the page you can open a list of all available domains that you can marble cards from.

When you find an URL that you like, copy-paste it at the bottom and press check availability to see if it’s already been marbled or the gem you just found can be yours!

After finding an undiscovered URL, press Create this card, confirm the transaction in your metamask and voila, your card will be created within few minutes!

In the next guide we will be talking about card attributes and all possible card customizations.

See ya friends.

