Meme Markets — The rise of Dark God

Published in
5 min readMay 5, 2021

The Prophecy is true.

Welcome to the new world, the age of new philosophers. The 200 IQ autistic savants built for one purpose only. The Meme Inventors, Minecraft Prodigies, Kek Worshipers, The Pepe Followers.

Meme Markets.

The absolute peak of crypto degenism.

But wait, is it really degenism after all?

Hear me out.

Memes straight up control the internet culture. Upon first look, they are just simple funny pictures that we laugh at every day, and for some time that was all they were. However, things have now changed and memes are not just about laughs anymore. Memes have become much more than that. They have become a way to express your feelings towards certain topics.. be it political, cultural, or any topic really. A way to spin some serious thought into the most controversial subjects.

In the future our epic memes may just be known as 21st century hieroglyphs.

With the recent boom of NFTs within the crypto community, we have for the first time witnessed an actual monetization of memes.

Original Nyan Cat animation has been sold for stunning 300 ETH.

Pepe The Frog Genesis has been sold for 420 ETH.

Original photograph of Disaster girl has been sold for 180 ETH.

All of these are already well known memes within internet culture. They have great stories behind them and as such obviously have value. But what exactly gives them this value?

Plain and simple.

Memes get their value from their thousands and thousands of remixes.

It is in the very definition of a meme. The ability to spread by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and these often carry symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.

Let’s take for example Pepe The Frog, while original artist, Matt Furie, completely deserves the reward he recieved for creating one of the best memes that will ever exist in this universe and probably all other infinite universes, the original piece is not what gave it it’s true value. It is the zillion memes, emojis, stickers and what not that were created using Pepe The Frog as a theme.

This is exactly where the Meme Markets idea comes into play. The exploration of value and rewards behind memes and how these very “remixers” are equally if not more deserving for the popularity rise of a certain meme.

So, how exactly can a community behind a meme be rewarded for recognizing an early trend? Memetic assets.


The blockchain project, MarbleCards, has been exploring this idea and building it into reality. They are building THE “market” for memes, creating opportunity to get exposure to any trend online.

It is a market for anything and everything.

To better understand Meme Markets, we need to go to the very beginning of this project.

About Marble Cards.

Launched in January of 2019, by Johan Unger and Mattias Tyrberg, MarbleCards is one of the oldest NFT projects on the Ethereum.

Currently there are over 100 thousand NFT cards minted by users on this platform.

MarbleCards enables people to save digital memories as crypto collectibles. These collectibles are called Marble cards.

When you find an article, video or anything else you like that has a URL, you can “marble” it into a crypto collectible card. Marble is based on the ERC721 protocol and every URL can only be marbled once.

However what we are interested in to further understand idea behind Meme Markets is their curating feature on MarbleCards.

The MarbleCards Arena.

Different thematic arenas on Marble Cards

Internet content, as seen on multiple mainstream social medias, is curated at all times. It is the beast that never sleeps.

The arena works on the same principles, curate cards based on requirements set by arena owner. Be it looks, content of URL behind the Marble Card or particular card attributes.

Each card in an arena is ranked based on the voting Battle win ratio of that card.

Example of battle in Meme Arena

Users earn crypto for voting in Arenas. Likewise, owners of cards that do well in arenas earn as well.

There is a Reason i am writing about Arenas before Meme Markets. It is because i now see that Arenas were the first glimpse at the profound, foundational idea of curating the entire internet and exploring financial value behind internet content.

Meme Markets are exactly that, a more advanced way to curate the entire internet.

So to answer question from the start of this article, how can we reward people that greatly contribute to a rise of a memes popularity?

Any hashtag, meme template, idea or really anything can be tokenized by staking MarbleCoin (the native token of MarbleCards platform) against it. In return you will get mCoin (MemeCoins).

And thus creating a memetic asset.

The best example of this is Dogecoin. From within it’s very core it is just a memetic asset that represents the based Doge meme.

The Meme Market in its simplest definition is an opportunity and a way for people to get rewarded for recognizing internet trends early.

If you are interested, have IQ below 85 and want to find out more about this, hop into Marble Cards discord and say hi.

