The Arena — first week

Johan Unger
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2019

Thank you to everyone who participated in this experiment!

Over 30 000 votes has lead to the surfacing of some amazing Marble cards. The quality of the lists are great!

We truly feel this is something new and exciting.

As with all new things though, there is room for improvement. Here are the major things we will tackle first:

Bad/buggy UI and slow voting animations

Will be fixed. Everything will be silky smooth.

Making sense of card submissions

Owning a Marble card that performs well in the Arena should be something very gratifying. Right now you get XP when someone votes for your card, but thats it.

Moving forward, we will expand on this with:
- Rewards through daily quests (with a notification system finally)
- A clear Season structure with badges and other rewards to winning cards and players

We also have a few additional ideas on how to really get the progression feeling in place. More info on that later.

Making sense of voting

Right now it’s a bit unclear what the objective is when voting. As such, we are planning a bunch of additions to the platform:

- Daily quests with fixed amount of votes

- Continous Marblecoin and XP rewards based on Vote Quality

- Chance for loot like Rare Candy

Vote quality is based on how well you predict outcomes. We are working on a way to define quality by only looking at future results. This to minimize gaming the system. The goal when voting is to pick what you think is the best card at any point in time. That means it’s not based on the current Arena rankings. Voting to help your own cards will result in penalties. All of this will be reflected in the voter leaderboard releasing soon.

Once we have these things in place we believe the Arena is ready for prime time.

We can’t wait!

