The Marble.Cards Arena Beta Launch

Johan Unger
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2019


When the idea behind Marble.Cards was born, it was not only about collecting the internet. It was also about making a content curation game with crypto incentives.

During the early stages of development, we decided it was best to first establish the asset, the Marble card, as a thing of value before moving on to the actual game. Since launch, over 40 000 Marble cards have been created and sold at a value of over $100 000.

And so, after a long development, we are finally ready to complete the full concept of Marble.Cards.

Introducing the Arena Beta

Leeroy VS Pepe in an epic battle for the meme champion title

The Arena is all about two things:

  1. decide what cards are the best in different contexts
  2. test the prediction skills of players that vote on cards

We believe that when combined, these two ways of playing will make the Arena into a fun and competitive battleground. Ideas will challenge aesthetics. Champions will be crowned. Marblecoin will be won.

Time to battle!

This will be rolled out in steps. Each step involves testing current features and figuring out the next ones. In this release, the first Arenas are created. Players submit cards and vote. Rewards are manually sent out to the best battlers.

In the weeks that follow, we will release:

  • Voter highscores and manual rewards
  • Improved user experience and introductions
  • Voting and Battle badges
  • Automatic Marblecoin rewards
  • Player owned Arenas
Sneak peek of Voting and Battle badges

Once these things are in place, we will move out of beta and start focusing on growing the platform.

We can’t wait to start testing this with all of you!



