To Matic And Beyond!

Johan Unger
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2020

Finally! We can mint Marble cards again on October 9th!
For the first time, cards will be able to live on multiple chains.

On Matic, a second layer network (L2) for Ethereum, we can enjoy super cheap and almost instant transactions. No more waiting on gassy launches!

However, multiple chains is currently not good for user experience… which we need to push Marble.Cards to the next level.

As such, we will launch early and iterate based on community feedback. That means:

  • Getting started on Matic will be complicated at first
  • Certain Ethereum specific features such as claiming old cards will be temporarily unavailable

With that said, here is how you get started marbling on Matic!

In Metamask, click on the “Main Ethereum Network” dropdown at the top, then on “Custom RPC” and enter the following info:

Your Matic wallet is now set up! Next step is to get some MATIC tokens, which you need instead of ETH.

To make this as easy as possible for the community, we have Matic Vendors in our Discord. To get your wallet funded:

  • Send ETH to this address
  • Post the transaction link in the #tips channel, or ask for a Matic Vendor
  • Your MATIC tokens will be sent to your Matic wallet

If you rather want to do the conversion yourself, here is a guide:

Marbling is back on the menu!

