[GUIDES] Comprehensive NFT Staking Guide

Published in
7 min readMar 27, 2023


Introducing our brand new service, NFT Staking!

NFT Staking is a platform that allows users to stake their NFT and claim the Rewards assigned to each NFT.

We’ll be going over the basic steps to show you how easy it is to stake or unstake your NFT.
*Note that this guide will walk you through the basic process of ‘Mining NFT’ when staking.

Due to the large volume, this guide will be divided into Chapters so that users may access the information more readily:

A. Staking
B. Unstaking
C. Boost
D. Boost Token Unstaking
E. Claim Reward

#Guide to NFT Staking Service (Mining Edition)

*This guide will be using MBX Marblership as an example. Specific values throughout the guide may be different from actual values depending on the type of NFT.

*The images used in this guide are based on the test version of the platform, and some may be inconsistent with the live version.

A. Staking

  1. From the homepage of MBX NFT Staking, scroll to the bottom and find the NFT that you want to stake, and press the [Staking] button.

2. Press the [NFT Stake] button shown in the image above.

3. Press [Approve].

A pop-up window will appear. Enter your Trading Password.

4. Press [Close], to close the pop-up window

5. Select the NFT that you want to stake and press [Stake].

A pop-up window will appear, again. Enter your Trading Password once more.

6. A pop-up message indicating successful NFT Staking will appear. Press [Close].

7. Once the NFT is successfully staked, it will appear in the NFT Staking List at the bottom of the Staking page. Press the [Staked NFTs] button to view all NFTs or click on each individual item to view them in detail.

B. Unstaking

  1. In order to unstake any NFT, navigate to the same “Staking” page shown in Chapter A. Press the [Request Unstaking] button.

2. A pop-up window for NFT Unstaking will appear. Select the desired NFT and press the [Request Unstaking] button to proceed to enter the Trading Password.

3. After successfully entering your Trading Password, the selected NFT for unstaking will enter an “Unstaking Waiting Period”.

4. After 5 minutes, press the [Unstake] button to unstake the selected NFT.
- Waiting period for NFT collections may vary

5. A pop-up window indicating successful unstaking will appear.

*If there is no reward assigned to the supply contract, then a pop-up window that reads “There is no reward” will appear and unstaking will fail to proceed.

C. Boost

The Boost APR feature is optional, which users may choose to use in order to speed up the mining process. For more information on how the boost amount affects mining efficiency, visit our Gitbook link on [Staking Reward Formula]

1. In order to boost NFT Staking, there must be staked NFTs in the “NFT Staking List”.
Press the [Token Stake for APR Increase] button.
*Note that this button is not activated if there are no NFTs staked.

2. Enter the amount of Staking Quantity for the Boost. Users may freely enter any value, given that it does not exceed the amount that the user owns. Entering an amount that is greater than this will automatically enter 100% of all currency owned.

3. Once you’ve entered the Staking Quantity, press [Stake] to proceed to enter your Trading Password.

4. After successfully entering the Trading Password, a pop-up message that reads “Boost Staking Success” will appear.

5. Press [Close] and check the Boost APR box in the middle to view the current status of the Boost Staking.

6. The Staking Quantity will be displayed as well as the “Boosted” APR value (%).

D. Boost Token Unstaking

  1. To unstake any tokens used for Boosting, press the [Request Unstaking] button.

2. A pop-up window for “Boost Unstaking” will appear. Press [Request Unstaking] once more to proceed to enter your Trading Password.

3. After successfully entering the Trading Password, a pop-up window that reads “Token Unstaking Success” will appear.

4. Press [Close] and check the Boost APR box in the middle, which should read “Unstaking Waiting Period”.

5. After 5 minutes, press the [Unstake] button to unstake the boost tokens.

- Waiting period for NFT collections may vary
- Unstaking all staked NFTs will forcefully unstake all tokens used for Boost APR

6. One last pop-up window will appear to verify the boost unstaking.

7. Press [Unstake] and enter your Trading Password one last time.

8. If boost unstaking is successful, the Staking Quantity should be reset to 0.

E. Claim Reward

1. After a certain period of mining NFTs, users may transfer claimed staking rewards to their wallet. First, press the [Claim] button

- Rewards are accumulated by the hour (time may vary depending on NFT collection)
- Rewards can be claimed every 12 hours; this value may vary depending on the NFT collection

2. A pop-up window for “Claim Rewards” will be displayed. Once again, press [Claim] to proceed to enter your Trading Password.

3. After successfully entering the Trading Password, a pop-up message that reads “Claim Success” will appear.

4. Press [Close] and there will be a 12-hour* waiting period for claiming rewards.
- Waiting period for NFT collections may vary

5. After 12 hours, press the [Claim] button.

6. A pop-up window will appear, which includes information such as the reward currency, claimable amount, fee, and reward displayed in USD. Press [Claim] once more.

7. After successfully entering the Trading Password, users can claim all available rewards.

That was quite long but simple enough, wasn’t it?

If this guide hasn’t satisfied your curiosity, make sure to refer to our newly updated gitbook page to learn even more about the NFT Staking service.
👉 marblex.gitbook.io/marblex/we-provide/nft-platform/nft-staking

We hope that users will actively use our new service in order to maximize the advantages of holding our NFTs.

Thank you
MBX Team

Get to know MARBLEX

MARBLEX (MBX) is a game-based blockchain service company that aims to bring the highest quality blockchain games to market than any other company by producing AAA titles. A well-established company with over 6,000 collaborative employees, including game industry veterans and blockchain technology experts from across the globe. By providing services such as a cryptocurrency wallet, decentralized exchange, token staking, and NFT Marketplace, MARBLEX (MBX) allows users to experience an optimal blockchain-based game ecosystem.

Live games under MARBLEX Service
<Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds>
<The King of Fighters ARENA>

Upcoming games under MARBLEX Service
<Meta World: My City>
<RF Project>

MARBLEX Official Website
> https://www.marblex.io/

MARBLEX Blockchain Services
> PLAYONE FOR MBX: https://playone.marblex.io/
> MBX MarketPlace: https://marketplace.marblex.io/
> MBX SWAP Service: https://swap.marblex.io/

MARBLEX Official Discord Link:
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