[GUIDES] Understanding the Uses of Puzzles and Lunar Animals

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5 min readMar 22, 2024

For users that are new to the MBX ecosystem, the recent update of MBX NFT and Marblership Collections might seem understandably confusing and complicated.

To help you grasp the fundamentals and get started on the right footing, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide outlining the steps you should follow if you are completely new to the ecosystem.

Once again, this guide was written in consideration of newcomers to the MBX ecosystem, so please make use of it accordingly.

The guide covers the following content, which we strongly encourage you to follow sequentially.

  1. Connecting MetaMask wallet to MBX NFT
  2. Defining Puzzles and Lunar Animals
  3. Using a Ticket Puzzle
  4. Using Marblership Puzzle Collection
  5. How to obtain Joker Puzzles
  6. How to obtain Lunar Animals
  7. Lunar Animals: Staking and Level up
  8. How to trade NFTs

Let’s get started right away.

1. Connecting MetaMask wallet to MBX NFT

In order to obtain and utilize Marblership Puzzle and Lunar Animals Collections in a variety of ways, it is mandatory that you connect a digital wallet to MBX NFT. As of now, the only wallet supported by MBX NFT is MetaMask, therefore if you have another wallet such as MARBLEX Wallet that contains NFTs from the Marblership Rainbow Collection, it must be exported to MetaMask.

What is the Marblership Rainbow Collection?
👉Marblership Rainbow Collection

To learn more about MetaMask and how it’s connected to MARBLEX services, refer to our comprehensive guide on MetaMask.
👉[GUIDES] Mastering MetaMask: Connecting MARBLEX Services

Once you’re ready, it’s time to move onto MBX NFT!
👉 MBX NFT website

Now the first thing you need to do is connect your MetaMask wallet with MBX NFT.

Assuming that you already have some NFTs inside your wallet, the next step would be to check your INVENTORY.

See our guide on finding NFTs inside your inventory.

2. Defining Puzzles and Lunar Animals

Before we move on, let’s clarify some key terminologies.

Puzzles is the abbreviated term for “Marblership Puzzle Collection”.
Puzzles include NFTs called Alphabet Puzzles, Joker (N) Puzzles, Joker (R) Puzzles, and Ticket Puzzles.

Lunar Animals is the abbreviated term for “Marblership Lunar Animals Collection”.

Lunar Animals include NFTs called Lunar Animals (N), Lunar Animals (R), and Lunar Animals (SR).

3. Using a Ticket Puzzle

To provide a clearer visual of how these NFTs are valued, let’s arrange them in increasing order.

Ticket Puzzles = Alphabet Puzzles, Joker Puzzles < Lunar Animals

Basically, the user’s goal should be to collect lower value NFTs to gradually swap them into higher value NFTs.

At the time of writing, most event rewards being distributed come in the form of Ticket Puzzles. Ticket Puzzles are sort of like mystery boxes that can be opened through swap pools at MBX NFT. Opening a Ticket Puzzle rewards the user a random Alphabet Puzzle or Joker Puzzle.

Think of it as a gacha machine! The coin you insert is the Ticket Puzzle, the machine is MBX NFT’s swap pool, and the prize inside the capsule is your reward NFT.

See our guide on using Ticket Puzzles at its corresponding swap pool.
👉NFT Swap

4. Using Marblership Puzzle Collection

By now, you should have an assortment of Alphabet Puzzles and Joker Puzzles inside your inventory by swapping your Ticket Puzzles.

Now comes the tricky part!

Remember how we mentioned that your goal should be obtaining NFTs of higher value? Well, now your objective is to swap your Puzzles into Lunar Animals.

The first step we recommend is to check out the swap pools under SWAP. Certain swap pools enable you to input your Puzzles and receive Lunar Animals in return.

See the full list of swap pools that are currently available on MBX NFT.
👉MBX NFT Swap Pools

Want to see which pools are opening in the weeks ahead?
👉Pool list for upcoming weeks

5. How to obtain Joker Puzzles

Joker Puzzles can take the place of ANY Alphabet Puzzle depending on the swap pool conditions. They come in the form of Joker (N) Puzzle or Joker (R) Puzzle.
👉What are Joker Puzzles?

If you are short of Puzzles, you can obtain more through swap pools or you can use the CLAIM service to purchase additional Joker Puzzles using MBX tokens.

Need more Jokers? See the full list of claim pools that are currently available on MBX NFT.
👉MBX NFT Claim Pools

Looking to swap for more Jokers or upgrade their grade?
See the full list of swap pools that are currently available on MBX NFT.
👉MBX NFT Swap Pools

6. How to obtain Lunar Animals

Lunar Animals can be obtained and upgraded to higher grades through various swap pools under SWAP. See the full list of swap pools that are currently available on MBX NFT.
👉MBX NFT Swap Pools

Alternatively, given that you have NFTs from other Marblership Collections, it is possible to receive the necessary ingredients that can be swapped for Lunar Animals through airdrop pools under AIRDROP.
👉MBX NFT Airdrop Pools

7. Lunar Animals: Staking and Level up

If you’ve successfully followed all the previous steps in this guide, you should now have Lunar Animals in your MBX NFT inventory.

Lunar Animals can be staked using the STAKING service at MBX NFT.
👉NFT Staking v2

Staking, in simpler terms, refers to the act of “mining” NFTs to earn rewards over time.

Here is some additional information that may help you understand the fundamentals behind staking.

As an example, let’s say that you have a Lunar Animal (N) at Level 1.

Fully mining it results in it reaching 100% EXP. At this point, the NFT can be leveled up to Level 2. This process can be repeated until the NFT reaches Level 3 (MAX Level).

Once your Lunar Animal (N) has reached MAX Level, your goal would be to upgrade it into a higher value NFT, which happens to be the next subsequent NFT called Lunar Animal (R).

However, in order to upgrade your Lunar Animal (N) to Lunar Animal (R), you will need 2 MAX Level Lunar Animal (N).

For details on the process and necessary resources for leveling and upgrading your Lunar Animals, carefully review the Lunar Animals progression system.
👉 Lunar Animals Progression System

Slowly but surely, you will be able to stake your Lunar Animals, level them up, and upgrade them until you reach the final destination: the Lunar Animal (SR).

8. How to trade NFTs

If you want to make your life easier, then your best option is to directly purchase Puzzles and Lunar Animals through our preferred marketplace, X2Y2 Pro.

At X2Y2 Pro, you can view the level of NFTs that are listed for sale.

[Marblership Lunar Animals Collection]

[Marblership Puzzle Collection]

This concludes our newcomer’s guide on understanding Puzzles and Lunar Animals.
Just keep in mind that the main goal of MBX NFT is to help users gradually upgrade the value of their NFTs.

Whether you’re just starting out or are well on your way, remember that every step you take brings you closer to achieving your NFT goals. Happy MBX NFT-ing!

Thank you,
MBX Team



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[Blockchain game service] Welcome to the marvelous world, MARBLEX. Various games and corresponding Blockchain services will maximize a fun of the MBX ecosystem.