Brands & Purpose: A Strategy for Sustainable Growth

How to attack declining market share with a purposeful brand message?

Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner
6 min readDec 16, 2022


The other day we discussed what matters most to our clients and why they would hire a creative agency. The consensus was that declining market share or expansion were the most likely reasons. With that as objectives and framework, the next question was, how can we, as creatives help? What does it take to see a turnaround or increased ROI?

Something that often gets overlooked is empathy, the human element. Understanding a customer’s needs and then working backward to send a strong message about the company’s services or products — and that’s important — with a solid emotional undertone is what gets attention. More than facts and features. Despite us upright sapiens being convinced that our decisions are all based on logical thinking, research tells us the opposite, over and over. Buying decisions are triggered subconsciously and within milliseconds in parts of our brains where emotion plays a leading role. Our “logic brain” then approves that decision, often confirming our bias.

What defines a good brand message?

“Social responsibility” is a term that gets a lot of attention among business consultants and marketing professionals. But what does it have to do with tech branding? And what does it mean for your customers? Aren’t we selling facts and features? No. That was the 20th century. Times have changed. We face new challenges and global competition among them, but we also see the demands of the millennials. The Deloitte Millennial “Mind the Gaps” survey revealed that in 2015 millennials, for the first time, made up nearly half of B2B purchase influencers and decision-makers, a percentage that is increasing.

With that growth comes an increasing demand for more than just a good deal or a decent salary. More than any generation before, millennials also require a clear sense of mission, vision, and values that align with their own, which is summed up in that one often misunderstood word: Purpose.

“Globally, more than seven in 10 (73 percent) Millennials believe businesses positively impact wider society… When asked to identify the words or phrases that match their ideals as to what business should try to achieve, Millennials highlight “job creation,” “profit generation,” and “improving society.” (Deloitte — Mind the Gaps)

What does purpose mean for brands?

Purpose is the well which social responsibility feeds from. In a B2B context, Purpose isn’t some fluffy woo-woo — it’s pragmatism, it’s the antidote to cynicism and boredom — and it’s something that adds to the bottom line. A bonus or a corner office is not enough to move the growing millennial population. The iPhone Generation is gravitating toward brands that provide meaning and Purpose that extends beyond shareholder value — whether focused on improving communities, revolutionizing an industry by introducing earth-friendly products, or simply creating a great workplace. And as research shows, companies that demonstrate a solid commitment to Purpose enjoy better financial returns than those that don’t: Do good, do well.

That same Deloitte report also found that most business buyers need to perceive more meaningful differences between competing brands to be willing to pay a premium for one over the other.

In other words, while virtually any B2B brand can demonstrate business value, so can its competitors. How, then, can B2B brands stand out among a sea of similar offerings, and what prompts today’s buyers to choose one partner or provider over another? Purpose can be the needed differentiator. Millennials do not distinguish their concerns between personal and business lives. The lines have blurred here. Countless studies indicate that the big-picture, emotional rewards millennials feel (and look for) when buying Patagonia clothes or Warby Parker glasses are the same rewards they’re looking for as B2B buyers. Appealing to personal values with this new generation in B2B can make them twice as likely to do business with you versus appealing only to standard business values such as price, performance, or legacy.

Purpose motivates your employees.

Of course, millennials don’t just represent today’s buyers. Employees can make or break customer relationships as the human manifestation of a company’s brand promise. They have the power to influence customer loyalty and product quality. And they can impact productivity and profitability. Every CEO we have worked with has struggled to engage and mobilize employees to perform at the highest levels and achieve company goals. In advising them, I like to quote “Start With Why” by author Simon Sinek,

​​​​​​​Purpose has the power to inspire the millennial employee. It can unify, engage and motivate a workforce, creating an environment where employees see the personal value in helping create long-lasting business value for your organization. Two-thirds of employees working for companies with a solid stated and demonstrated purpose report being willing to “go the extra mile to work,” versus less than half at other companies.

Purpose can make a crucial difference in your recruitment efforts as well. Overwhelmingly, millennials say they’d prefer to work for an organization with a clear, meaningful mission and an impact beyond producing profits.

Social responsibility has repeatedly proven itself to create a competitive advantage for B2B brands.

Research can indicate attitudes and hint at trends, but marketplace performance is the natural proving ground for purpose — and it is easy to see it drive transformation, growth, and profits.

Purpose has always had power in B2B organizations, not simply in this emerging millennial era. To stay ahead of the curve, emerging tech companies need to anticipate the millennial needs and impact but also acknowledge two simple human truths: First, people recognize, respect, and are drawn to other people who are dedicated to something bigger than themselves and who work and live with meaning. And second, every employee, from the mailroom to the corner office, wants to find fulfillment in their work. Seth Godin, the business coach, describes this as ’The Tribe” effect. People want to identify with a tribe, and purpose is the glue that holds the community together:

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.” — Seth Godin, Tribes: We Need You To Lead Us

If you are looking to integrate social responsibility into your brand and your organization, here are some tips to help you get started:​​​​​​​

1. Find a cause that people can relate to — but primarily YOU can relate to

Finding a cause that is important to you, meaningful to your business, and comes organically from the “inside” and is not applied. When people feel passionate about a cause, they are far more likely to respond and participate.

2. Make sure you and all parties involved are being ethical

The key is to not only follow through with best practices but also make sure the brand message touches on all media levels. Make sure that all aspects of your organization reflect your brand message. If your brand is advocating for being clean & green, and meanwhile, your company’s primary manufacturer is posing threats to the environment or conducting animal testing, you might be in trouble.

3. Be honest

Consumers are eager to help a good cause, but they will also be quick to chastise a company that has set its foundation on false premises. If you consider increasing your brand’s commitment to social responsibility to generate more revenue, you may reconsider doing it. Consumers can see through smoke and mirrors and want to support brands that genuinely care about their cause.

So, what’s your company’s purpose?

Now it’s your turn

Expand your leadership in technology and manufacturing. Bring clarity to your message, promote your services, and make your products look amazing. Well-designed products sell! We are on your side.


Our job is about design that creates impact: business identities, websites, or investor presentations. But mostly, it’s about removing blockages. It’s essential to being a full-blooded creative: presenting fresh and often unconventional ideas that clear obstacles, help overcome stagnation, and lead to innovation. When that happens, then I’m successful as a creative consultant. Asking “why” is often the first step, but more importantly, asking “why not” is what leads to breakthroughs. | MORE

See you next week! Yours, Marc Posch

Marc Posch+Opus, Los Angeles | +1.213.446.7986 |



Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner

Brand consultant, designer. Swiss born, German raised, LA based. Phone/text 213.446.7986 (PT)