Dare to be Different

Banging Some Drums Against Business Uniformity

Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner
2 min readOct 15, 2023


Navigating the realm of design can be challenging due to its elusive nature, often making people feel insecure. As a result, many tend to gravitate towards the safety of “clean and simple” designs, attempting to simplify a potentially intricate outcome.

However, this thinking has created a sea of sameness — a monotonous expanse where individuality gets lost in the pursuit of conformity. The safety of simplicity has inadvertently led to a dull and uninspiring visual uniformity, where businesses, afraid to break the mold, blend into a forgettable tapestry.

Stand Out or Fade Away: The Case Against Business Conformity

Gone are the days when ‘clean and simple’ was a safe bet. It’s time to recognize that standing out requires more than just blending in. The pursuit of simplicity has paradoxically resulted in a lack of distinction, with brands becoming indistinguishable in their quest for a minimalist aesthetic.

In the era of uniformity, where every business seems to speak the same visual language, it’s the daring, the bold, and the distinct that capture attention. Our message is clear: Break free from the shackles of sameness. Embrace the power of unique, exciting design that not only communicates your message but etches your brand into the minds of your audience.

But don’t get me wrong:

Standing out for no other reason than standing out is just noise. Banging the drums for a cause, an idea, a vision it’s what makes a difference.

One key aspect is often missing in business communication. Your business is not about selling and making a lot of money, thats a vehicle and an outcome. Your business is about improving something, helping people, finding a solution to a problem, or as Ian Faison said:

To me, a trailblazer is someone who is mission-driven and focused on helping people.

At Marc Posch + Partner, we believe in shattering the mold. We champion designs that ignite curiosity, foster connection, and elevate brands from mere participants to unforgettable protagonists in their industries. Because in a world drowning in simplicity, it’s the audacious that make waves, and the extraordinary that leaves an indelible mark. Banging the drums for a worthy cause, that’s what defines good marketing for us.

Let’s talk.



Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner

Brand consultant, designer. Swiss born, German raised, LA based. Phone/text 213.446.7986 (PT)