Photo: Xan White/Unsplash

Is Your Magnum Opus Still Ahead?

mag.num o.pus / noun / A large and important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most important work of an artist or writer.

Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner
Published in
6 min readAug 15, 2020



A question for leaders: at what point is your experience holding you back? Sure, you may know how to navigate the professional world, win contracts, and satisfy your clients’ needs, but is that what you set out to do? While there’s no shame in getting stuck in a rut, and settling into a comfortable routine of acceptable work, for some people, the transcendent leaders, executives, and visionaries, this simply won’t do.

Marc Posch is one of those people, and that is why, in 2019, he started Opus Creative Group. After 30+ years in the design industry in Europe and North America, he was comfortable wowing clients from Paris to L.A. but had come to question his trajectory.

  • Am I still on track with the things that excite me?
  • Am I a victim of a numbing routine?
  • Am I still relevant?

Opus is his defiant answer to these questions, a manifestation of change, a pivot into uncharted waters, a belief that his magnum opus is still ahead. As a designer, Marc always promotes change, progress, innovation, and because of this he felt the hypocrisy of not leading by example, operating in a comfort zone while preaching the opposite.

The Seeds of Opus

From his early life in Germany, in a small town near Stuttgart, innovation has been in Marc’s DNA. His father was a planning engineer and consultant for the World Bank, who oversaw the construction of huge power plants and desalination projects in developing countries, from the Middle East all the way to China.

The region he grew up in is a tech and manufacturing hub, with the Porsche Development Center, Mercedes, and many others changing the world right in his backyard. Later on, he worked in Munich, a city dominated by the shadow of BMW, where you couldn’t find a design firm or advertising agency that didn’t have its fingers in the automobile industry pie. In 2000, he set up a new home base for his design future, in downtown Los Angeles.

Routine vs. Risk

What spurred Marc to start Opus Creative was the realization that his past forays into uncharted waters hadn’t assumed the full potential and meaningful path he craved, as he was hindered by the accumulated baggage of years past, a common problem in any transition. His path to inspiration was guided by an old adage that change comes through first abandoning the old, then a catalytic period of ideation, followed by embracing the new paradigm, a sunset on the tired, and sunrise over fresh and fertile ground.

However, while this sounds great in theory, even those who crave novelty end up clinging to what works, never giving their new ideas time to breathe, like adding fresh sparkling to a glass full of stale, murky water without ever emptying the glass entirely. This is the allure of routine, always working to prevent risks while maintaining success.

This is not just a problem for creatives. Psychologist and author Scott Barry Kaufman, talks about Theory Z motivation, for those being spurred on by “transcendent peak experiences in which we get outside of ourselves and have a great synergy with the world. Maslow very much connected Theory Z to wisdom, calling those who fit under Theory Z the ‘transcenders,’ and arguing that transcenders have a lot of “dichotomy-transcendence” — they can see the compatibility of many false dichotomies that most people treat as dichotomies (e.g., evil vs. good, selfish vs. unselfish, male vs. female, etc.).”

Opus Creative aims to be a transcender in the design space. In the space between sunset and sunrise, they’re still in the darkness before the dawn, but sunrise is shimmering on the horizon. What will be left behind before dawn? The cynicism that comes with routine? The lack of empathy? The quick, routine job that pays the rent but lacks fulfillment.

What will come to stand in place? An understanding of complex situations, of human behavior, of aspirations, of fears, of challenges, beyond mere product features. All of this, underlined by a commitment to risk, without the restraints or safety features of the past.

Progress Through Change

“I just love the idea of ‘midlife wisdom schools,’ especially as I am getting older myself,” says Kaufman. “At the end of the day, all we have is human connection.”

Marc’s vision is anchored in this sentiment. For Opus to become a team of creatives and thinkers focused more on the human experience (to enjoy, grow, and thrive) behind marketing, rather than the transactional (increase revenue, sell more), because no matter whether you’re in B2B or B2C, underneath it is always H2H, or human to human.

Where Does This Progress Lead?

To an abandonment of the cynicism that comes with traditional marketing, the ‘limited time offer, BOGO coupon’ attitude. Instead, a simple question will be asked: What brings you joy? Whether a number cruncher, a pixel pusher, or a freestyle artist, if what you’re doing doesn’t bring joy, Opus won’t be involved.

To get there, Opus is looking to become a generational gateway. While Opus is composed of seasoned creatives with a wealth of experience, it would be arrogant if not outright foolish to ignore that the digital world is ruled by 20-somethings today. However, he also recognizes that young people often miss the context of a larger picture and sometimes drown in data and flashy applications. Opus is creating a bridge of mentorship and reciprocal learning, to grow and open up the uncharted waters Marc craves, and train the next generation to become more resourceful, relevant, and better learners. This is because learning new tricks is the only way to remain fulfilled and successful. Change is inevitable, but progress is a choice, and this choice is made by people who ask “why,” but also “why not?”

Thanks for reading. Yours, Marc Posch

Opus Creative Group, Los Angeles — with partners in Munich and Paris — offers the combined expertise and firepower of a well-calibrated team of experts, and with it a broad spectrum of creative services, from Brand Consulting to Brand Development and Digital Branding. With 20+ years of experience in the tech and manufacturing sectors, we help our clients define their brand story, and we help them achieve success.

Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more about us or discuss a new project. A 30-minute consultation is always free, coffee included.

Contact +1.213.446.7986. Or visit Thank you.

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Out in print now: “The Million Dollar Brand — Building A Million Dollar Brand For The Information Economy. A Step-by-Step Manual.” By Marc Posch, Creative Director, and Brand Consultant. To order click here



Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner

Brand consultant, designer. Swiss born, German raised, LA based. Phone/text 213.446.7986 (PT)