Ten Common Mistakes People Make When Building B2B Websites

The rules of digital marketing have changed.

Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2020



With the rise of the internet, the rules of B2B marketing have changed. In the old days, marketing for tech and manufacturing companies was leaning mostly on traditional sales strategies, such as trade shows and running ads in industry publications. Websites were often a sideshow, viewed by manufacturers merely as proof that the business exists.

Fortunately, most of today’s tech and manufacturing companies recognize that websites are not just critical brand-building tools but sales tools, too. Whether conversions happen directly on a company’s website or not, the site still shapes consumer perspectives about the brand, quality, and customer service. Research shows that websites are often the most crucial conversion point in the digital sales funnel, even when a company is not selling its products directly online.

Here Are Ten Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Strong B2B Website

  1. Cluttered navigation
    Simplicity is key. Attention spans are shorter than ever, so your page must be easy to navigate. Avoid clutter.
  2. Not designed for Mobile
    A large number of B2-B customers are browsing with their smartphones. Don’t ignore them.
  3. Bland messaging
    The opening line on your home page (above the fold) should be audience-centered, inspiring — and surprising. You want them to get to know you and your products better. Don’t use standard phrases.
  4. Busy design with too many details
    Today, less is more. Keep it simple. Use a lot of white space and only put key features on your menus. Use sub-menus for details.
  5. Fuzzy language
    Finding the right balance between sales language and brand message is essential. Strong brands stand out and weather market dynamics better than anyone else.
  6. No Call-To-Action
    Invite users to take their next step with your business. Guide them. Inspire them.
  7. Ignoring lead generating opportunities
    There are more ways to generate leads on your website than just the “contact us” page. Create high-value guides, white papers, checklists, and other material that users can receive in exchange for their contact information.
  8. No video on the home page
    Hey, it’s 2022. Make it human. Make it personal. Add a profile or a story about your company with prominently placed videos.
  9. No SEO signals for search engines
    A beautiful website is nothing without SEO signals. Otherwise, nobody finds you when your services are being searched. A great website provides a good human experience and sends the right signals to Google & Co.
  10. No Trust-building features
    Clever marketing claims typically don’t hold a lot of weight. People can “smell” scripted messages. Adding authentic customer testimonials and reviews to your website to build trust goes a long way.​​​​​​​

Use this checklist when hiring someone to build your B2B website. If done right, this will be your most important sales tool.

Opus Creative Group, Los Angles. We offer the combined expertise and firepower of a well-calibrated team of experts and a broad spectrum of creative services, from Brand Consulting to Brand Development and Digital Branding. With 20+ years of experience in the tech and manufacturing sectors, we help our clients define their brand story, and we help them achieve success.

Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more about us or discuss a new project. A 30-minute consultation is always free, coffee included.

Contact +1.213.446.7986. Or visit opuscreativegroup.com Thank you.



Marc Posch
Marc Posch+Partner

Brand consultant, designer. Swiss born, German raised, LA based. Phone/text 213.446.7986 (PT)