Marc Brattin | Researchers Claims that Drummers Brain is Different from Others

Most of the time, the people make fun of the drummers. But in reality, they are the backbone of a band. Their role is to endow the rhythm which other band members can play along. Hence, without percussionists, there would be no band says, Marc Brattin. The maximum time you have heard that percussionists are idiot’s stereotype. But the drum players can be more intelligent than their band-mates.

Furthermore, the percussionists have the inborn ability to solve the problems and alter those around them. Fact is, the percussionist’s gifts can be shared as the beat actually transfer the natural intellect to others. A study suggests that the dumb drum player typecast is not true. This is because the study of rhythm enhances the cognitive function in the brain. Hence, the percussionists are better problem solvers and also make people smarter around them.

Studies to Discover the Effect of Rhythm on the Mind

In reality, a psychology professor at Washington University uses the rhythmic light as well as sound therapy on his pupils. And he notices the improvement in their grades due to rhythmic therapy that drummer also study. Likewise, a researcher at University of Texas branch uses the same method on a group of schoolboys. These therapies result in increasing boys IQ score.

Actually, all these studies mainly focus on the effects of the rhythm on mind rather than on mind behind the beat. The constant rhythmic focus of percussionist has an optimistic impact on him/her and others around them as well. Also, the researcher at the University of Oxford shows that both the happiness and pain tolerance level of drum players increases alike Olympic runners when they play drum together.

A researcher found that link between the intellect, time and the part of the brain for problem-solving is necessary. This is according to Marc Brattin that the drum players are good problem resolver. After all, guessing out how to play the beat on time is a part of problem-solving.

Societal Effect of Drumming

The scientist claim that drum playing is vital for the community building. Many years ago men and women use to dance around the bonfire on drummer simple beats. Researchers say that listening to the same rhythm and dancing on it create strong bonding between the members of the group.

In the last study, Harvard researchers discover that drum players use a distinct interior timer which moves in a wave rather than linearly. Actually, this pattern of the beat is found in human brainstorms, asleep heart rates and the nerve shootings in feline’s ears. Hence, when the percussionist makes a mistake at that time he/she uses the natural rhythm found all over the world.

Wrapping Up

Above are some of the study done by the researchers which shows that all the stereotypes about the drummers are wrong. According to Marc Brattin, as the percussionists use to play the rhythms so they are more engaged with the mental elements than others hence are smarter.

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Marc Brattin — Drummer
Marc Richard Brattin — Drummer

Marc Brattin — Las Vegas Choppers: A sales and entertainment entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience.