~30 days for Terraform Associate (that was easy)

Marcelo Marques
Marcelo Marques
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2020

Terraform is great. It helps you keep things clear and allow you to provision almost everything in the Cloud (I know, not only in Cloud, but this is what I've being using).

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

One more challenge that I took to myself when I got "in charge" for Terraform in a new project… 1 month to certificate (less, actually). As I did about AWS on this post, again, I plan my "journey" to take the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Certification.

I've started reading all documentation in Hashicorp website. Then, a lot, I mean, A LOT of Youtube videos about it. When i got the overview of how Terraform works, I started to "read" the code from the project I'm working on. And this order of learning was REALLY easy to learn. So, yesterday I got confident for it, and then I scheduled the exam 1 hour ahead (don’t do this) and the result was:

The certification will not tell you how to be an "code expert" in your infrastructure. It's basically the overview about the workflow, the modules, loops, services and how to start to provision some stuff. In general, it's a way to give you power to start.

Well… that's it. BTW, today I did also my last exam for MBA. So, 2 birds with one stone!!! I think i need a rest now…

Stay safe, folks…

