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An Oath of Truth

A Poem; Selection I, Of The Curation

Gary Orphey
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2023


(My sister, murdered she was)

An oath of truth, till death I swear,

To hasten from this fibrous case;

Unspoken words the dreamer

Could not speak.

Her words issued from a precious soul,

A soul that was not blind;

but heard,

The unseen, red-tipped, cane tap;

Of other souls struck blind by life.

A dreamer her gift, a dreamer her curse.

Her universe pierced through coal-black eyes –

That squinted and glinted

Into every recess of need,

Despite the tacit sighs;

Revealing the sizable hole

In her lovely soul.



Gary Orphey
The Curation

As an unrepentant poet I dig through the bone-pile of words left behind. With good fortune I resurrect them and they ascend for all to see.