Don’t ask me about love

“Why is love so illusive — How foolish can one man be?”

Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild


Photo by Nate Rayfield on Unsplash

You may ask me about the Ocean,

You can ask me about the sky;

You may ask me almost anything,

Even ask me to lie;

But don’t ask me, please don’t ask me –

About love.

You may ask me where I’m going,

You can ask me where I’ve been;

You may ask me if I’m staying,

Even ask me about my sin;

But don’t ask me, please don’t ask me –

About love.

I want to feel a lover's touch,

On my skin that will excite;

If you told me I’m in love with love,

You know you would be right;

I want to know and feel,

Loves magic within me;

As I wander through this world,

It’s still a mystery.

You may ask me for my money,

You can ask me to stop your pain;

You may ask me to please help you,

Over and over again;

But don’t ask me, please don’t ask me –

About love.

I try to understand,

As I lie awake at night;

I admit that I am puzzled,

When I see the morning light,

Why is love so illusive,

How foolish can one man be?

I find the world a lonely place;

And love an empty sea.

You may ask me about tomorrow,

You can ask me about today;

If you ask me real nicely,

I’ll tell you about yesterday;

Just don’t ask me, please don’t ask me –

About love.

Should you ask me about my sorrow,

Or ask me about my pain;

If you ask either one of those,

It only brings up love again;

So don’t ask me – I can’t tell you

About love

– The Texas Dog Poet

May the day beam Solarity upon You — dear Reader.



Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild

As an unrepentant poet I dig through the bone-pile of words left behind. With good fortune I resurrect them and they ascend for all to see.