I Did Speak

A Poem; Selection I, Of The Curation

Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild
2 min readDec 28, 2023


Photo by alireza irajinia on Unsplash

I did not speak loudly

But speak I did,

To my brothers of bone

Tongue, and word;

My only words as I lie below,

Are words not of me,

Engraved in still; silent stone.

I speak only to earth, air,

Water, fire, and space;

It is that which I am.

When I was flesh,

I spoke of flesh,

When I could see,

I spoke of wonders seen,

When I loved; I spoke of love.

Upon hearing,

I listened to my brothers of

Bone; tongue and word.

It is within sacred silence,

I now call to them,

In signs, symbols;

and visions.

To speak solemnly,

Fervently, honestly,

That they might write on other

Men’s souls; as did I.

The Fine Writer Of This Piece:

Another Piece by Gary Orphey — Sacred Geometry; A Poem:

A Piece By Joanie Adams from the Curation:

May the day beam Solarity upon You — dear Reader.



Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild

As an unrepentant poet I dig through the bone-pile of words left behind. With good fortune I resurrect them and they ascend for all to see.