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A Poem; Selection I, Of The Curation

Gary Orphey
1 min readDec 30, 2023


Nuance: A secretive,

Illusive perception

Cloaked like a white

Dove in a snowstorm;

It is subtle shading,

A trace of variance

Between light and shade;

The rainbow shimmer

In a perfectly cut diamond,

The delicate almost unheard

Notes in a Chopin Nocturne;

The difference between

Words spoken,

And words thought.

Nuance: the lifting of

The veil of mystery to those

Who dares to peer beneath the

Mirage and barrage of life,

Nuance: the pièce de résistance

Of Love and beauty;

Nuance: the magnum opus of

The art of living.

The Fine Writer Of This Piece:

Another Piece by Gary Orphey —The Garden Of The Night; A Poem:

A Piece By Joanie Adams from the Curation:

May the day beam Solarity upon You — dear Reader.



Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild

As an unrepentant poet I dig through the bone-pile of words left behind. With good fortune I resurrect them and they ascend for all to see.