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Sacred Geometry

A Poem; Selection I, Of The Curation

Gary Orphey
2 min readDec 27, 2023


The turn of your shoulder

The nape of your neck

This leads my wandering eyes

Toward the mythical garden

My mind past the angel

With the fiery-sword

Guarding the pleasurable path

Leading to Earth’s only Eden

No words among men

Written or spoken

Have conveyed the curve,

The feel, the soft graceful turn

From a woman’s lips to her neck,

To breasts, leading to the

Most elegant turn of all

The sacred geometry where

Waist flows to hips

A most exquisite curve…

I am sure Fibonacci would have




Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild

As an unrepentant poet I dig through the bone-pile of words left behind. With good fortune I resurrect them and they ascend for all to see.