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The Garden of the Night

A Poem; Selection I, Of The Curation

Gary Orphey
2 min readDec 29, 2023


Men of Earth who understand

Gaze at the garden of the night

In wonderment; realizing

The universe beyond

The moon, the stars,

Are participating in the same dream;

In which they find themselves,

A dream within a dream.

The experience of their knowing…

The timeless envelopment of the eternal…

Where their appearances are made;

Merely river of dreams

with no beginning

and no end.

We are the ripples, waves and whirlpools,

We are the thundering sounds.

Whitewater in the canyons,

Echoes of a Formless,




Infinite source,

The Oneness of all that is.



Gary Orphey
The Ineffable Writers’ Guild

As an unrepentant poet I dig through the bone-pile of words left behind. With good fortune I resurrect them and they ascend for all to see.