How the S|GNS Summit will Foster Meaningful Engagement between Science and Society

Eliana Stanislawski
Science Not Silence
3 min readMay 30, 2018

Come join us at our inaugural Summit that this is bringing all members of the science advocacy community together, from artists to scientists to educators to organizers. Registration is now open!

The future of science advocacy depends on coordinated action and diverse perspectives, yet few spaces exist for interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue. The S|GNS (Science | Government, Institutions & Society) Summit seeks to change that.

This July, the March for Science will host this network-wide meeting for emerging and established leaders across fields to share knowledge, build community, and develop their skills as science advocates, educators, and organizers.

The Summit will offer a range of programming that aims to provide participants with training in practical skill and knowledge building, resource sharing and collaboration, community building and networking, and empowerment and breaking down barriers. Every participating individual will be able to mix and match their interests within our three areas of focus: science advocacy, education & outreach, and community organizing.

Five different tracks will be available during every breakout session, during which you can choose to focus on the same track the whole time or create an itinerary tailored to your interests. Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of this interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue — register for the S|GNS Summit today!

Grow as a STEM Advocate

The first programming track available to participants will focus on science activism and evidence based policy, specifically on understanding the current state of science in government and policy and what can be done about it. Whether you’re an advocate, community organizer, scientist, or just interested, events in this track will provide you with an opportunity to gain the expertise you need on a wide range of topics.

Another available track for participants will highlight scientists as advocates and responsible institutions. Catered specifically to researchers, STEM professionals, and stakeholders in scientific institutions, this track will focus on potential roles and responsibilities of scientists and institutions as public advocates for science. There will also be opportunities to discuss critical internal issues and strategies for improving the culture and incentives within academia and emerging STEM industries.

The Inaugural S|GNS Summit continues the momentum of the international Marches for Science.

Become a Stronger Educator and Communicator

For science communicators, artists, and community organizers, the S|GNS Summit will have a community building and public engagement programming track. These events will highlight ways to share ideas and resources for cultivating public interest in and support for science and how to engage hard-to-reach communities in STEM programming. If you plan to organize events, platforms, and community initiatives, this track is for you.

Programming on science communication and education will also be available for scientists and educators interested in expanding their skills and understanding. This track will explore evidence-driven strategies for making science more accessible to everyone and will address challenges in gaining institutional support for active outreach and implementation of best practices.

Hone Your Community Organizing Skills

Learn about best practices and infrastructure in order to establish and sustain a grassroots organization and local coalition. Emerging leaders across the March for Science network will benefit from these highly applied and focused sessions on actionable takeaways that can implemented across communities.

Discuss Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

All five core tracks will include sessions focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion as it relates to that theme and audience. For any given breakout time block, there will be at a minimum of one session that focuses on these issues. As such, attendees interested in tailoring their Summit experience to this track as it relates to advocacy, institutions, public engagement, and education will be supported in doing so while ensuring that all S|GNS attendees engage in these critical conversations.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of lasting and far reaching impact. Register for the S|GNS Summit today and continue to fight for science!

Register now by visiting

