Using Social Media to Advocate for Science

Eliana Stanislawski
Science Not Silence
4 min readJun 28, 2018

By: Phone2Action

Image via Blogtrepreneur

Social media has revolutionized the way we consume news. Whether it’s scrolling through your Twitter feed first thing in the morning or reading articles your friends share on Facebook, what we see online has a lot of impact on the way we engage with civic issues. Millennials and Gen Z are particularly savvy when it comes to social media, with 81% of Gen Z believing they can have an impact on social and environmental issues by using social media, according to the 2017 Cone Gen Z CSR Study: How to Speak Z.

This is a generation that is interested and willing to advocate for issues that affect them directly. In fact, the aforementioned study found 91% of Gen Z members want to help other people and the environment. Since policies about the environment are steeped so heavily in science, it can be easy to get lost in the politics of it all. But if you want to take steps and engage lawmakers, social media advocacy is a great place to start.

Whether it’s about clean drinking water or nuclear safeguards, to gain the attention of your representatives, tweet them, leave a comment on their Facebook post, or share a story with them online. Not only are you getting their attention, but you’re also sparking civic action online and community discussions, which are crucial for a healthy democracy.

While on social media, keep an eye out for groups that align with your political views so you can be up-to-date on issues that matter to you. Check out science sources or blogs (like this one!) that can expand your viewpoint and inform you of different ways you can influence public policy.

Here are a few suggestions to get started.

Use Social Media for Policy Updates and Action

Track legislation that is important to you and find out what your represented official is doing. By holding our lawmakers accountable, we can all contribute to having a productive society. Find out how your congressperson voted on a certain issue, and if you agree or disagree, let them know you are paying attention. Even a simple tweet thanking them goes a long way. Follow your members of Congress, senators, representatives, state legislators, mayor, county executives and other government officials. A lot of times, your city council has more influence over your daily life than the federal government. Keep that in mind as you start engaging legislators.

Rally Your Community

Twitter is a great way to get your followers to pay attention to something you care about. Get them to join your cause by writing letters to Congress, calling officials, or signing petitions. Make it easy for them to contact their representative. Capitalize on a popular story already generating media coverage and social media engagement, and use it to get your message across. For example, this year the midterm elections have been gaining a lot of attention and anyone who is eligible to vote should get to the polls. But it isn’t enough anymore to just go and vote yourself-gather your friends, family, and people you know who can vote and encourage them to participate in this process. You can help to get out the vote for the midterm elections.

Inform Legislators about the Issues

While lawmakers have staff working for them to make sure they’re filled in on various issues, many of them are stretched thin when it comes to taking action on very specific policies. This is where civic engagement plays such an important role. If you think your congressional representative doesn’t know enough about the amount of carbon dioxide in the air or the role of national parks, you can send them information that is pertinent to those topics. This is where following those sources and blogs comes in handy. Social media will already tell you what is going on in this world-take a step further and make sure your lawmakers are aware too.

Political activism on social media can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Getting the attention of your lawmaker is as easy as sharing a meme — bonus points if it’s a political meme. Either way, never underestimate your power to hold legislators answerable to their voters. For more on advocacy and engagement, visit

Phone2Action is the world’s leading technology company for public policy engagement, built to empower the advocate in everyone. Since its founding in 2012, Phone2Action’s technology has enabled more than ten million people to advocate for important issues, resulting in over 27 million legislator connections, with 25 new connections added every minute. Located in Arlington, VA, the organization serves nonprofit, trade association and corporate customers, including the American Heart Association, the Consumer Technology Association, Patagonia, and Ben & Jerry’s, who champion movements at the local, state, and federal levels.

