Vote for Science: How We Continue the Momentum of March for Science

Koren Temple Perry
Science Not Silence
2 min readNov 30, 2017

April 22, 2017 was a powerful day that brought science advocates around the world together to voice our shared support for science and evidence-based policies. But no single day rally can possibly create a miraculous, overnight shift in policy. As science advocates, it’s up to us to keep marching — to use the continued energy of the March for Science to transform our communities and our governments and turn our ideals into reality.

It is up to us to carry the momentum of our march forward and to create real, lasting change. We can reach this goal by staying committed to our cause, and hungry enough to make change happen.

By joining our new yearlong Vote for Science campaign, you can stay engaged as a science advocate and help our movement bridge the gap between science advocacy and civic engagement.

Goals of Vote for Science

As we march toward the midterm elections in November 2018, we’re going to mobilize and engage with our elected officials and our communities. This is crucial to giving science a voice — because voting for science doesn’t just mean showing up on election day. It is an ongoing marathon, a commitment to making science seen and heard. That means we must:

  • Have conversations with our communities about why science and science policy matter in our lives.
  • Keep in touch with our elected officials at every level, holding them accountable and making sure they know we’re paying attention when they make decisions that affect science, science policy, and our communities.
  • Help register more voters, and remind our friends, families, and fellow community members to go to the polls.

Next Steps Forward in Science Advocacy

You came. You marched. And now you must continue to advocate. How can you make a difference over this next year and beyond? Here are some ways:

  • Take the Pledge to Vote for Science if you haven’t already done so.
  • Share the #VoteforScience Official Pincause Button with your social media network. Download our assets below & share sample tweets and posts.
  • Watch out for Weekly Emails starting in December featuring science policy topics and information about how you can Learn, Share, Join, Act.
  • Commit to contacting your policymakers and holding them accountable for good science policy!

Science is a vital feature of a working democracy, spurring innovation, critical thinking, increased understanding, and better, healthier lives for all people.

Science works best — just like democracy — when everyone participates. That means it’s up to all of us to work together to vote for, champion, and uphold policies that protect science and serve the common good.

