MAP Protocol(MAP) Token Distribution Model and Timeline

MAP Protocol
MAP Protocol
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2020

The initial issuance of MAP is 10 billion tokens, which would be allocated according to the following distribution ratio:

Founding Team Incentive part will be locked for 5 years and it won’t be unlocked for the first two years; unlocking data of all parts is on every January. After Technical Community, Ecosystem Incentive, Foundation, and PoB Community Incentive parts are partially unlocked, market circulation will still be strictly controlled based on actual expenditures.

The incentive for the core team will be locked for 5 years and will not be unlocked until 2021; the foundation will release it every 6 months; Eco-system of Application, POB community incentives, and the core team parts will be unlocked in January every year; institutions and Partners part will be unlocked according to actual conditions. For the other unlocked parts, market circulation will be strictly controlled based on actual expenditures.

The part that should be unlocked in January 2020. Due to the COVIE-19 virus and the analysis of the entire market, it was decided to postpone the unlocking and was unlocked on June 31.

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· MAP Protocol Telegram Community: English, Russia, Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.

· MAP Protocol Medium (For the latest updates and articles)

· MAP Protocol GitHub (Complete MarcoPolo Protocol project codes)

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