Monarchy based on Basic Income?

Bruna Augusto
ReCivitas Basic Income Democracy
5 min readMay 18, 2018

My friend read the book “the basic income study for the Principality of Pontinha” and send me this question…so here is my answer.

This is quite funny to imagine a monarchy-based UBI. If I understand correctly the proposed financing method, it boils down to a negative income tax financed by a flat tax (what you call the fee) ?

I also find it funny, as much as a democracy based on a monarchy. Especially when the island in question, far greater is true, was able in its time to make an empire to govern nations the size of continents … and yet, an island (and a monarchy) — as would say the pamphleteer Tom Paine. So he is right, definitely the world and the people who inhabit it are funny beings, with or without a crown embellishing their pretensions.

Regarding the model in question, I do not think there is a correct way to understand it, since the understanding belongs to the one who reads, and if you understand it, it is because the writing gave way to such an interpretation. Which, by the way, would give an excellent official advertisement “a negative income tax financed by a single rate”. Perhaps described in this way, the proposal was even more likely to be politically digested and may not raise as much opposition in the form of disdain of larger nations — which in the case of Pontinha are practically all. In any case, it is a much more favorable reading than that, for example, that would say that this proposal is pure piracy; to try to use a gray zone of international law for the creation of a tax haven, but the reverse, that is, with other more noble and cosmopolitan objectives than the mere evasion of foreign exchange.

In that utopian reading, by the way, the island would cease to be an exclusive club for the ultra-rich, and its rulers — even the crowned ones — could hide the personal booty of the tax loot itself, and would become an open place for anyone-including no blue blood or fortunes-could take advantage of its peculiar advantages. This is done through the use of digital non-taxable means of payment (at least not yet), combined with redistribution systems in this case, basic income. One way of democratizing these tax havens, which are real ghost states that function as a front and bank vault of bankers and rulers and gangsters, and without which the world financial system is unconfessable no longer functions and is not sustained without the flow of legal capital and illegal aliens that pass through them.

A competitive tax system would also be critical. However, as the purpose of this protopia is different, that is, it is not the mere escape from the country of origin of the capital for the sake of mere primitive accumulation, but rather the redistribution and payment of the basic income for the holders of the citizenship of this singular micro -nation, the determining factor of its constitution would not be properly in the financing system, but rather what it would offer incentives for taxpayers to join. Even because such a proto-nation does not count and does not intend to have any coercive power to play. Which makes the challenge of making it even more interesting. And even more interesting is the new kind of social pact that would eventually result. Well, at least for me, I have interest in contractualism, jusnaturalism, libertarianism and especially in the development of new applied models.

It would, therefore, be a protonation whose size of the occupied territories under its jurisdiction or cultural and economic dominance are irrelevant. In fact so irrelevant to have citizens taxpayers, that the territory could not be just tiny, but in fact absolutely none. A minimal social, and virtual state consisting of the provision of a mutual security system for its citizens anywhere in the world. Something that would be impossible without the advent of information technology and telecommunication applied to financial transactions.

So a territory does not exist and need not exist anywhere beyond the virtual world to provide real, non-geolocalized citizenship, which can be provided everywhere and everywhere via basic income payments in currencies that do not need a central bank. A proto-state made to run its programming in any territory and jurisdiction of another Nation-State — where not only its crown could be for the subjects and tourists to see, but the own territory and its borders.

Thinking good would give up a good deal, a startup, since in addition to not lacking the de facto force allowance and its coercive collection to work, its collection would escalate while its operating costs would remain practically the same. But I particularly think that would be a potential waste of these security systems. After all it would be a rare case where the interest of the customer and the provider are perfectly aligned in the form of the benefit paid regularly. The client, to receive in life and stay alive even if he or she may face situations of risk and cost. The state’s not to lose not only a voluntary taxpayer, but a citizen. It is as if the basic income was a life insurance that instead of rewarding death, literally paid not to pay as the cost of that premium. But I’m just rambling, because the paper accepts everything. Even drafts of ideas and utopias.

In the background I have no illusions; frankly, I even find these pirate and republican utopias even funnier than the royalists. However, I also know from the facts that sometimes the unexpected happens, especially when we work for it. And so, what was “the impossible” passes from day to night to be treated — even by its ancient detractors — as “the inevitable.” And we, who enjoy ourselves and laugh so much of one thing as the other, we can laugh and have more fun. Even though those who are upset will probably not keep up with the same sporting spirit and good humor of yesteryear.

Fortunate that the royal ruler of Pontinha is a peaceful and good-humored commoner. In topetudo times of increasingly flat lands and naked kings elected the front of great armed potentials, in times where even humorists are killed because they decide to joke with the all powerful of the others in the biggest metropolis of the world, to maintain the capacity to see grace in the representations and performations of power is a virtue that is becoming even rarer than knowing how to tolerate them. So, with all my heart, I thank you for looking at this work not as a provocation and insult, but with the seriousness that only good humor can impart to your reading. And God save the King … in my case … of Pontinha.

Respectfully ,

Marcus Brancaglione, ReCivitas project coordinator, and Baron (in his spare time)



Bruna Augusto
ReCivitas Basic Income Democracy

President ReCivitas. Projects: Basic Income Startup; Governe-se (Direct Democracy); Ⓐ RobinRight License. Seasteading Institute Ambas.BR. Biologist, Humanist