Achieving high impact and high returns through a US manufacturing and export focused investment strategy

marcus evans online events
marcus evans online events
1 min readJul 26, 2021

Available on Demand

Join our exclusive discussion with our panel of experts from Milken Institute Center for Regional Economics, the Women in Manufacturing Association, WOW! Internet, Cable and Phone, and The 22 Fund, as we discuss the opportunities for investment in the manufacturing sector. We will examine how targeted investments in climate tech and high tech in manufacturing for women and people of color can generate significant impact in climate and racial justice, while mitigating risk with high return on investment.

Key Learning Points:

  • Investment opportunities in the manufacturing sector: High tech, climate tech, and clean tech
  • How diverse investment in US manufacturing and exports can mitigate risk in your investment strategy
  • Encouraging gender and racial diversity and justice through targeted impact investments
  • How high impact and high returns can be achieved through investing in an export focused strategy
  • Measuring the success of investment strategies in domestic manufacturing and exports


Allison Grealis, Founder and President, Women in Manufacturing Association

Eugene Cornelius, Jr., Senior Director, Milken Institute, Center for Regional Economics and California Center

Colleen Abdoulah, Former CEO/Chair, WOW! Internet, Cable and Phone

Tracy Gray, Founder and Managing Partner, The 22 Fund



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