Building our Interoperable Future with Quality Data

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marcus evans online events
1 min readJun 7, 2021

Available on Demand

A global pandemic, explosive growth in technological advances and their use, and regulatory upheaval have all been driving forces in spearheading investment in achieving greater healthcare interoperability. The value of data has been shown to be more critical than ever with the cost of siloed approaches exponentially magnified. Leaders must urgently strategize to aggregate, analyze and maximize data meaningfulness and connectivity for the safekeeping of patient and population.

A collaborative culture and a proactive roadmap are essential in improving healthcare. Join this session for expert knowledge on the challenges and opportunities to rapidly expand to capture and manage complex data, its growth and its optimal use.

• Addressing silos and facilitating information exchange to thrive in the new normal

• Leveraging connectivity to discover improved outcomes in daily work: realizing ROI from the harvest

• Maximizing opportunities to advance: increasing data integration capabilities

• Achieving cost savings and enhanced care with improved predictions and informed courses of action


Dr. Ed Hammond, PhD, Duke Centre for health Informatics, Duke Health

Richard Pro, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Cone Health

Charlie Harp, Chief Executive Officer, Clinical Architecture



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