Building with a Product Mindset — Data First Approach to Digital Business

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marcus evans online events
2 min readJun 22, 2022

Available On-demand.

Industry leaders consistently drive sustainable business value and achieve critical business outcomes by viewing data through a product development lens. By bringing this product-led thinking to both the planning and execution side of the equation, enterprises can scale data-driven decision-making which sets the foundation for digital business. When all else is unpredictable, harnessing what you already know — your data — will keep you moving forward when many others are standing still or worse, disrupted entirely.

Want to learn how to make the most of your data investments to maximize business value? Does the prospect of being a data-driven enterprise where the core foundation of decision-making rests on a Single Source of Truth (SSOT) sound intriguing?

Join this webinar as we discuss how the most successful enterprises out there are building the architecture of sound decision-making.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a clear understanding of the diversity of unmet needs across your organization using analytics
  • Moving from analytics solutions to sustainable analytics products
  • Getting digital transformation right with the power of insights
  • Leverage an incremental and data-driven approach to achieve critical business outcomes
  • Integrating innovation, business capabilities, customers and technology together into intuitive platforms


Nissanka Janaratne
Digital & Emerging Tech Innovation Portfolio Lead
Commonwealth Bank

Rajnish Narula
Director Business Excellence
Pfizer, Singapore

Kévin Boezennec
Director of Innovation
Leading Private Bank in Singapore

Shishir Saxena
APAC Head — Client Strategy & Transformation



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